Chapter 4:Seeing Him Again

Start from the beginning

"I will when we get back and i'm sorry for running off like that i should've stayed with you, i missed you so much Elijah when you left i was so heartbroken i thought you left me and didn't want anything to do with me"I said to him 

Elijah pulled over and stopped the car he turned off the engine as he turned and faced me he grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into his lap he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me right on the lips, i smiled into the kiss and kissed him back, we kissed for a couple of minutes than he pulled away 

"Don't you ever think like that every again do you hear me i love you so much Avery and i would never leave you because i want to spend all eternity with you that is if you choose to be a vampire but if you don't then you know that deep down in your human life you will move on to someone else, when i left i am not gonna lie i wanted to take you with me to see New Orleans and to visit the world with me but i couldn't but now i am back and i could take you anywhere you want to go we can see the world together be with each other and love each other again just like old times, i want to marry you Avery i want you in my life because i can't imagine a life without you in it"Elijah said 

Tears were coming down my face i smiled at him and cried into his chest 

"I love you too Elijah, i want to be a vampire with you because you are my everything and i want to do those things with you just like old times, i would like nothing more than to be your wife Elijah i want you to be my husband the one i share everything with and i would like to see New Orleans with you since it sounds like a great place to raise our family there wait what am i saying we don't need kids to make us happy we have our family, friends and ourselves to make us happy and nothing can come between us become we have Always and Forever"I replied to him 

I looked at him as he placed me back in my seat 

"Let's get going to breakfast then i know a hotel nearby where we are eating we can go there and cuddle on the bed how does that sound"Elijah said 

I nodded to him as he started the car up again and off we went to the next town over i love being back in Elijah arms they make me feel safe and secure when i'm with him he brings out this other type of me the fun girl the sexy type of girl and trust me Damon loves it when i'm sexy and fun not in the dirty way i meant the normal way i love Damon he is my big brother and Stefan is like a big brother to me as well the ones i never had i just wish that my mum was here to see this i mean she can see me in heaven but with us so her and my dad can be happy again but oh well things happen but i know she is in a nice place and looking down on me wherever i got.

At the Cafe 

Elijah pulled up outside the cafe place where we are going to eat breakfast at, i got out of the car as Elijah did as well i walked to the front of the car and took Elijah hand in mine as we walked inside the cafe when we did we were greeted by a young women who had her cleavage showing she walked up to us 

"Hi welcome to Sofia's Cafe are you sitting in or taking away"The Young women asked us

"Sit in please"Elijah replied as he squeezed my hand 

"Okay follow me"She said as she turned and walked away 

We followed her as she took us to our table which was furthest away from the entrance the waitress placed our menus down on the table then she turned and flashed Elijah a smile

"If you need anything just raise you hand and i will be right over"The women said as she walked past us but before she did she pulled her top down a bit so Elijah could see her boobs but he didn't look which i was happy about 

Elijah turned and looked at me as he pulled out my seat i smiled at him and sat down as he pushed it in he walked to his seat which was across from mine and sat down i picked up the menu and began looking through it as Elijah did as well.

"What are you planning on getting my love"Elijah asked me

"The Egg, Bacon, Sausage with Pancakes what about you babe"I replied to him 

"The same as you darling and don't worry i'm paying it's the least i could do"Elijah said 

I nodded to him since i wasn't going to argue with him i knew who would win anyways so yeah Elijah looked over and raised his hand for a waitress to come over and one did a different one this time a male yay at least it isn't that blonde bimbo who is trying to steal my man

"Can i take your order"The man asked

Elijah told him what we wanted to eat as the waiter smiled and nodded then turned and walked away to the kitchen to check in our order, we waited ten minutes then our food came back we thanked the waiter and began eating the food. Once we finished out food we went back to the car and drove to the sea front when we got there we got out of the car and took off our shoes, socks and jackets well Elijah took off his clothes expect for his boxers he sat down on the towels that he had laid down for us i smiled and sat down in front of him and rested my head on his bare chest i smiled as he wrapped his arms around me as we watched the sun raise.

There is no place i'd rather be than here with the love of my life

Chapter 5 on way

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