Elijah 2

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Lunchtime came quickly and I hurried away to the cafeteria. Elizabeth was starting to be too much.
I see my friends and family.
Heading towards them, I get stopped by someone that I regret ever dating.

Becca Stoll.

Her grandfather is like the coolest guy ever, but she is too clingy.
We lasted for a week and then I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Becca." I greet.

She twirls her brown hair and her green eyes look at me flirtatious.

"So I've been think about us a lot lately and-" I cut her off.
"Listen, Becs, I like you, but I'm not ready for a relationship just yet." I try.

She grabs both my hands and intertwines our fingers.

"It isn't because you're in love with Elizabeth, right?" She asks innocently.
"No, really I'm not searching for a relationship right now. I want to focus on my lacrosse this year." I tell her, it's part true.

"But you're already captain, Jah!" She winks.
"I know, but I this is something I really want." I tell her.
"Well, I, want you." She states grinning.

Leaning in to me, I quickly duck away. Her eyes confused, but I twirl her around into her friends arms.
She's too busy giggling to even notice.

I quickly run away to my table and let myself drop next to Felix, who was watching the entire thing.
"Is she still so clingy?" He asks.
I nod and take fries from Elizabeth's tray.

"Why did you ever even date her?" Elizabeth sounded annoyed.
I chuckle and eye her playfully, which caught her of guard.

"She had the guts to ask me out, I like girls with fire." I grin.
Unconsciously I look at Madeline, she looks bored.
Thomas is busy talking to his friends.
I look away before someone notices.

"Caleb, you were supposed to come and sit with me at lunch!" Harper slaps him on his shoulder.
"I clearly told you no, Lamont." He snaps at her
"You don't get it!" She looks frustrated.

"You're the most handsome guy in freshman, a lot of girls will acknowledge that and you'll become popular. Only I can guide you through that process." Harper tells him, sounding so passionate.

"Harper, look I don't like you." Caleb snaps.
"Caleb." Clara warns him.
He rolls his eyes at her. Harper wraps her arm around him.

"Just imagine, we could be the it-couple. You and me." Harper sighs dreamy.
"Sounds like a nightmare." Caleb comments.
Harper screeches annoyed and storms away to her friends.

We all roll our eyes and continue eating.
I ask Clara and Caleb how school was going and they replied great.

"Yeah super great for you. She got accepted in the choir!" Lucy, the little sister of Felix, nudges her best friend.
"You got in too." Clara tells Lucy.

Felix bursts out in laughter, making Lucy angry.
"Do you even sing?" He asks laughing.
"Yes, moron, actually good." She snaps.
Felix grins at his little sister, they always fought.

"Are you trying out for basketball later?" One of Caleb friends asks him.
My head shoots up, Caleb eyes me awkwardly.
"I'm going for lacrosse." Caleb replies.
"You can do both." His friend encourages him.

"He's not interested. My dad played lacrosse, it's in his blood." I argue.
Caleb nods, still looking dazed and not-present.
"Well, that's a bummer. Everybody is trying out for basket, bro." His friends pats his back and takes of with the others.

Caleb would never try out for basket, he knew my reasons. All my friends hated the basket team, it would be so embarrassing to have your brother in it.


"Alright, captain, I'll give you the word." Coach tells me.
He pats my back and I look at the guys.
"Okay, guys-" I'm being cut off by some friend of Caleb.
In one day the entire year was already friends with him.

"Hey girl, the cheerleading try out is inside." He tells a girl.
She turns to him annoyed.
"I know that, I'm hear for the lacrosse try outs." She replies.
The guys laugh, I roll my eyes at their childish behavior.

"Honey, you'll get hurt." A guy laughs.
The girl looks red from rage, so I step in.
"Silence!" I boom.
They immediately shut up.

"It doesn't matter if she's a girl. If she's good, she's a member." I snap at them.
"This is the 21th century. Go with your time." I snap and wave the girl over.
She has long black hair and electric blue eyes, reminding me of Thalia, my grandfathers sister.
"What's your name?" I ask her politely.
"Ambrosia." She introduces herself.
"You're the grandchild of Zeus." I guess, she nods proudly.
"Well, let's start!" I announce.

After a hard physic training, some fell off. But Ambrosia didn't, she was one of the strongest there.
It didn't surprise me. Because I knew your gender didn't define your strength. My mom is the most powerful mortal alive, she's a girl.
It didn't matter.

"Let's play a game." I explain and hand out the material.
I watch them play. Ambrosia kept catching my eye and of course my brother.
I put them up against each other to see who would win.
Ambrosia had the ball and Caleb stood defense.
She went for it and he pushed her down with all his strength, but that didn't stop the girl from continuing.

She scrambles back up and smashes him to the ground.
Trying to score, Caleb tackles her.
They wrestle on the ground and it starts to get messy.
"Stop it!" I whistle.
Caleb pushes her with hands pinned above her head to the ground. The guys cheering, they had too much testosterone.

I pull Caleb of her and help Ambrosia up. I check her for injuries, I felt strangely worried about her.
Her lip was bleeding.
"Caleb, we don't tackle with our sticks!" I remind him.
He raises his hands in defense and looks back at his friends, who were cheering for him.

"Practice is done. Papers will be up by Friday." I announce.
The guys nod and make their way to the showers.
"Do you want me to clean your lip?" I ask Ambrosia.
"No, thanks." She replies.

"The girls bathroom-" she cuts me off.
"My parents are picking me up, no problem." She excuses herself and runs off.
She's a new freshman and I knew it was going to be hard for her as only girl in the lacrosse team.

You read that right, she's a teammate!

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