Expanding the Brotherhood

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"You do makeup?" Gabriella chuckles lightly, pulling her hair out of her face.

"Oh, Gabby, I've been here for more than a hundred years. From all the women that passed in this sanctuary, I surely know how to style a girl." Babette hugs her knees, cleansing her feet. "We have lots of clothes from Radiant Raiment in Solitude, and now we can use them!"

I laugh softly, ruffling my hair. "Well, it'll be the men's turn to use the bath. We better dry up before they arrive."

Stepping out of the pond that is no longer bearing any hot water, we quickly dry ourselves. Astrid heads to her room as the rest of us travel to mine. "I wonder if the newcomer will be here soon. I can't wait!" Babette squeals, slipping into her dress. She attaches the belt onto her waist and giggles. It's confusing to tell if she's actually so ancient.

"Be patient, Babette. We still have a lot of time," Gabriella dries her hair, tying it up in twintails. She masks part of her face with her shrouded hood, a suspicious demeanour for our dear Gabriella.

"Oh please, I have all the time in the world. I could do all your makeup!"

"What about you?"

"Me? I'm portraying an innocent girl. I don't need makeovers, I prefer not to seem like a growing teenager," Babette snickers, gathering supplies. "Now sit."

Gabriella and I both sit down at my round table as the child dashes into her room to fetch more of her products. I am both confused and excited, the only time I put on makeup was when I was introduced to the Blue Palace years ago.

After Babette finishes Gabriella's makeup, she's the seductive and beautiful Dark Elf she is portrayed to be. I admire her looks, not many Dunmer are as attractive as Gabriella. Now it is my turn.

Babette lies a bowl of Red Mountain Flowers and Spiggan Sap. With a pearl, she crushed the ingredients together, creating a soft colour. The pearl is stained with a roseate hue, my curiosity growing for what it is used for. She dabs the pearl onto my lips, sliding it back and forth in a repetitive motion. I slip out my jewelled dagger, scanning my reflection. My lips are covered in a fuchsia shade, a petite shine added to the centre. I pucker my lips and smiled.

"You almost look like a doll," Gabriella ruffles my hair, brushing it with her fingers.

Babette then grasps Slaughterfish Scales inbetween two fingers. "Look up."

I obey, but I don't get the reason why. She dips the scales in a bowl and brushes my eyelashes with the tip, feeling sticky residue lie atop my lashes. She applies the scales onto my other eye, then squeals, clapping her hands together. "Perfect!" she cries. "Oh, and don't rub your eyes. It'll smear the makeup."

Placing my blade up to my face, I gaze at my reflection. "Such a doll, like the collection Jarl Elisif has in the Blue Palace," the child grins dreamily, stroking my hair. Gabriella nods, smiling softly.

"Come, let's go show Astrid!" Babette chirps, pulling my wrist. She does have a tight grip, for a child.

"How beautiful," Astrid simpers in amusement. "But we aren't exactly sure when the arrival will come."

"At least we'll look good while hearkening storytelling from the guys," Gabriella crows, crossing her arms. "Still, I'm actually awaiting the Keeper's arrival."

"Oh, Sister, I have forgotten tell you. How did you know that the contract-thief was actually him?" Babette inquires, speaking of the newest recruit. "I mean, Kaito might just be an ordinary Thieves Guild member that you accidentally accused of being the contract thief."

"I am completely sure this is him. I even made sure by an old friend. Explained what he is, and their descriptions matched the results. Black hair, grey eyes, and armour that belonged to the Thieves' Guild. An equivalent pair to their depiction," I reply with confidence, resting my fists against my hips. "The children at the orphanage explained him thoroughly, too."

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