"Do you remember who killed your sister?" Sitri looked to his side, staring at the grass carpet outside through the windows.

"Of course! She's... He's..." Mimi's voice quieted each second, her body trembling for some reason.

"Do you remember your sister's name?"

This time, the vampire queen couldn't even speak something, her confused and terrified gaze glued solely to the man on her far front. Her knees buckled down as she sat again, looking at her shaking hands for an answer or anything.

"Do you... remember anything?"

At that, her eyes finally widen. All of his words brought an unwanted light to her dim mind, her dim, empty mind. Who was she before she joined the Purgatorial Trinity? Who was her sister?

'Why, can't I remember anything?' A lone pair of tear slid down from her eyes.

Sitri glanced at the girl, his eyes as uncaring as ever. Deep inside though, her soft spot for those who cries melted. "It's just as I thought. That goddess Lesha erased almost all of your memories. You were so adamant on your little group of three, you forgot to think about other things rather than yourself and your nameless sister."

Mimi looked at him in surprise, fear and sadness. Now that she realized all of this, she suddenly felt sensitive and scared in everything around her. It's as if she was suddenly reduced into a scared, little child.

'A scared... little child...' The vampire paused for a second, feeling a sense of dèja vù all of a sudden. She heard a soft footstep to her side. She was looking down, and so the only thing she saw was the black shoes and pants standing there to her right.

Sitri leaned in closer to her, placing a hand under her chin. "Stop crying. It doesn't suit you."

"W-Why..." Her former voice now gone, replaced with a sweet meek voice. "Why are you doing this?"

"You were initially an enemy to me," he rubbed a hand above her head, ruffling her gold blonde hair a little. "but you're originally an... acquaintance of mine."

Mimi regained her bearings and shrieked, hastily backing away from the demon and his hand. "W-Why are you touching me?! Perverted demon!"

"That title is reserved for my other personality." Suddenly appearing to the couch in the vampire queen's side, he sipped from a cup of coffee from nowhere. "But, if you really think about it, he and me is basically the same person. That's quite... depressing." Gloom lines of depression showed up behind the narrow-eyed demon.

On the other hand, Mimi stared in disbelief at her former enemy. She and Quasar had been informed by their master, Lesha, that the demon is an extremely dangerous individual. The thought of purging the 'evil' had been ingrained in their minds, but even though he does seem like a loathed person at first, Mimi realized that Sitri wasn't as bad as Lesha had said.

"Demon Lord Sitri," addressed the blonde. "what will you do now?"

"I will be taking on your subordinate, that Earth-Magi." He placed an empty cup to the table. "Then your master next. What about you though, VampMaiden? What will you do now?"

"I... I don't know." Still sitting at the floor, she casted a sad gaze down the ground. "I don't know who to trust anymore. And, I can't even remember my past. I was just basically a mindless puppet all this time."

"If that's the case," the demon calmly walked towards her, reaching out to his cloak behind him. "let me hold your strings for you. I will lead you to the answers you need." She felt a soft fabric touching her bare shoulders. Looking to her side, she saw the trademark cloak of the demon protectively covering her whole body.

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