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Please read note at the end :)

Chapter 5

Selena's POV

"Selena. Selena, it's okay! Stop freaking out!" Justin demanded from his spot on the bed while I frantically paced up and down the length of our room.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologized, calming myself down enough to sit next to him.

He sat up, pulling me into his arms and kissing my head.

"Will you please tell me what the issue is?" He requested sweetly.

I shook my head, feeling stupid. "It's nothing. I'm just overreacting."

"We've had this conversation already." He reminded, gently stroking up and down my arms. "Anything that has you this worked up isn't nothing."

"I'm being foolish Justin."

"I think I should be the judge of that. Now come on, tell me what's wrong. I can't fix it if I don't know the problem."

I sighed, inching closer to him. "I'm scared." I admitted.


I nodded.

"Scared of what?"

"I'm scared that something is going to happen to you before our baby is even born. I don't want to do this without you Justin. I can't." I admitted, thinking back to the incident that occurred last week.

"Oh baby. It's okay to be scared alright? It's okay. I can't promise you that nothing will happen. I want to more than anything else but I can't. Not in my world. But I can promise you something."


"Selena, you are a strong woman. You've been through hell and yet here you are. You don't need me for anything. God forbid, even if something does happen to me you are our baby are going to be just fine. I've actually already set some things in place in the event something should happen to me."

"What are you talking about?"

He got up from the bed, going into his closet and coming out a few moments later with a file in his arms.

He handed it to me and I realized it was a will.

"Everything I own is already under your name. That way, the government won't have a claim to anything. It's all yours. My entire empire will answer to you and you alone. My wealth belongs to you and our child. It's all there, legally."

"Justin..I can't take this. That's too much. Your entire empire? I can't run an empire. I don't know the first thing about it."

"I want you to have it Selena. I intend on staying with you so you won't have to worry about that but if something should happen, then it's yours. Jacob and my lawyer are the only people who know about this. They'll help you. You'll never have to do anything alone."

"But...why me? I've only known you a few months and you're willing to put all this on my name?"

He smiled at me, his eyes shining like they rarely do.

"You're the mother of my baby. You're giving me everything I've ever wanted and more. Selena, somehow in those few months you've managed to make me feel things I've never felt before. I want you to own everything I do."

He moved closer to me, holding my face in his hands and wiping my tears.

"Don't cry baby."

My lips trembled and I threw my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. 

He held me tenderly while I blubbered like the overemotional person I was.

"You can't leave me Justin. You just can't."

"I know baby. I know." He soothed gently, patiently waiting for me to calm down.

"I'm sorry." I pulled back, wiping my tears away as I calmed down.

"It's alright. You have nothing to apologize for."

"Can't you just leave? Just for a short while?" I begged, the fear tugging at my chest too big to ignore.

"I can't. That's my world baby. It's just the way things are. I'm okay Selena. I assure you, I'm not going down without a fight."

I sighed heavily, knowing that any arguments would just be pointless at this stage.

"Now will you be alright? I have some things I need to  go take care of."

"You can't." I shook my head. "The doctor said you had to rest."

"And I will. It's just a few phone calls. I won't even need to leave my office."

"Okay." I settled myself, knowing that I was acting a bit paranoid.

"Stop worrying so much. It isn't good for my baby."

A small smile twitched across my face. "I'll try."

"Are you hungry? I can have someone make you something."

"No, no. I'm fine. Go do your calls."

"Alright. You know where to find me if you need anything."

"I thought you just told me to stop worrying." I teased.

He rolled his eyes but remained quiet as he left the room.

I ran my fingers over the sole scar on my wrist. It was times like this when I was reminded of just how lonely I truly was.





First off, I just want to say a huge thank you to  selslut  for the amazing cover she made.

Secondly, I know you guys have been waiting a long time for updates - especially for this book and Unconditionally and this isn't what you expected.

I'm really sorry about that but lately I've been struggling to write. It used to be fun and it used to come natural to me but now it seems like a chore because I really have to force myself to come up with something.

I've actually contemplated ending my works but then thought better of it since I didn't want to leave yall hanging like that, especially when you've been so wonderful to me.

As a result, I've decided to let yall know that I won't be updating frequently. I will update when I find something to write. I know that some of you may not like that decision and I'm sorry but I can't force myself to write anymore. I'm sorry.

CriminalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora