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Chapter 2

It had been over a two months since I first started living with Justin and while it was weird to say the least, it was definitely better than my previous accommodations.

Justin's mansion was insanely huge and heavily guarded.

He had men patrolling the compound 27/7. You couldn't even get into the compound unless your name was on a list and even then you and your vehicle was searched unless instructed otherwise by Justin.

He had also ordered them all to ensure the safety of me and the baby.

At first I was confused as to why they all needed to be armed at all times and why safety was that important but then I found out exactly who Justin Bieber was.

And it was just my luck that the man who got me pregnant happened to be the head of the mafia.

That's right. Not even a gang. We're talking big league here.


His family had been at the top of the food chain for years and he was carrying on their legacy.

I found out that he specialized drugs and ammunition. Apart from making billions of money illegally, he was also the proud owner of some of the city's top casinos and restaurants.

It was insane.

Even though he was busy with running his empire, so to speak, he made time to ensure that I was alright.

Every morning when I went down for breakfast he would be there, sitting at the table either sorting through his emails or reading the newspaper.

Sometimes he would even have dinner with me.

He bought me an entire new wardrobe, claiming that the few articles of clothing I owned weren't appropriate.

Not that he was wrong. 

He had also assigned his best friend, Jacob, to make sure I was comfortable when he couldn't.

Jacob was around the same age as Justin but he was married with a one year old son, who happened to be adorable.

He was also a million times easier to talk to than Justin.

He was also my only friend.

I was around three months pregnant now and despite my stomach still being practically flat, if you looked close enough you would see a small, tiny bump beginning to form.

It still blew my mind that I, of all people, was bringing a baby into this world.

That I was going to be a mother. It broke my heart knowing that one day when my baby grew up she would find out her mother was a prostitute and that's how she was conceived.

And yes - I think I'm carrying a girl. I'm not sure why I do, I just feel like I am.

It was almost midnight and I was meant to be asleep but I was wide awake.

I wasn't sure why considering pregnancy made you tired but for some reason I simply couldn't sleep.

After laying there for who knows how long, the door quietly cracked open and I remained still, trying to figure out who was in my room this late.

I squinted at the silhouette that was coming closer to me, relaxing my body when I realized it was Justin.

He kneeled onto the floor, slowing raising my top so that my slightly rounded stomach was revealed.

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