"No you don't! You think you are the only who has their family at the hands of a goddamn WACKO! Those girls are my life!" Her eyes averted to the ground as she continues to speak. "They are my sisters... and I also have the choice whether or not to help Y/N. "

I softly grab her chin as I lift her head back up.

"I don't want to lose you again Lauren. " I said softly.

She shook her head. "You never did. Please Y/N I don't want to lose you too."

I close my eyes hoping and praying to God I ain't making another mistake. "Fine. "

I felt hands pulling me into a warm embrace that had my heart going into crazy beats.

"We are all gonna get through this. " Lauren whisper.

I don't know if we are all gonna get through this, but all I know now is that, while I am still alive and fighting, I am gonna get my family back and make Y/B/N pay for everything she has done.

"So does that mean we can help? "

I broke the most comfortable hug I've had in days to see the rest of my friends and One Direction standing there with awaiting faces.

"We need help Y/N. We can't do this alone. " Lauren said as she stands beside me.

I release a sigh as my eyes turn there stare to the floor. "Fine. All of you can help us. "

Not even five seconds later I am trap in a group hug by Little Mix.

"Thank you for trusting us Y/N. " Liam said with a smile that is also followed by the rest of One Direction. 

"Yeah, I just hope I don't regret it. " I mutter.

Unknown (P.O.V)

I couldn't even restrain the excitement that is buzzing around my body as the final hour ticks by for what is gonna be the greatest battle to have ever existed.

Brother vs Sister. Half Demon vs Full pledged Demon. Family vs Family.

"To bad I am gonna get my revenge first before your battle finishes. " I smirk as my wrist itch and my eyes turn to a dark shade of gold.

You're all gonna die

Y/N (P.O.V)

All of us are in the living room discussing our strategy for what is gonna be one of the most dangerous and important thing in our lives.

"Wait just wait. " All of us stop talking as Leigh-Ann interrupted us. "Do we even know where they all are? "

Didn't even think of that

Everyone looks at me as I bury my face in my hands and groan.

How in the world did I not even think of that

The cellphone you dumb ass


Stupid as ever

I stood up from the couch and grab the phone Y/B/N gave me then the battery.

"This phone was given by the loco woman named Y/B/N. " I said as I open the back case of the phone. "It has her number. I will contact her and ask where we will meet. "

"Uhh mate not to be rude or anything but why would you contact the woman who tried to kill you countless of times? Are you crazy? " Harry ask as he try to figure out if I am sane or crazy.

I chuckle a little. "There's no other way Styles. And plus I am not wasting any more time standing here and doing nothing. " I turn on the phone and held it tight in my hand. "And to answer your last question. " I met his piercing green eyes as a smile made it's way to my lips. "Haven't you figure it out yet. "

Stronger(Fifth Harmony/You)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя