Chapter 23

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I gasp in shock as I saw Camren at the doorway. I saw Chrissy step away from my bed and slowly stood up.

"What the fuck were you doing?!" Lauren's face was red with pure anger while Camila is  quiet as she lean on the wall that is next to me as she stare at Chrissy with an evil glint in her eyes.

"What does it look like Jauregui, I am doing something that I should have done when I first saw Y/N." Chrissy stood her ground as she glares up to Lauren.

I felt fear in my stomach as I saw them glaring at each other.

If I don't do anything there will be a fight against Lauren and Chrissy and for one thing I know Camila is planning something in that head of hers

I cleared my throat which catches everyone attentions.

Well the easy part is done but now comes difficult part

I felt their eyes burning through my head as I stare at the blanket that is covering my legs.

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the attention that I am given.

Think, what should I ask to divert the attention away from the kiss Chrissy gave me

As I lift my head and look at the room I am in. I am surprise to see I am in my old room in the girls mansion.

Before I could ask the question that is bugging my mind,Camila answered my unasked question.

"Yes,you are back home." She said as she stared at me with a blank expression on her face.

Why in the fucking world am I not in the hospital and how long was I asleep?!

I could feel my mind thinking or imagining the answers, to scared to know the answers I just stared back at the blanket as I kept quiet.

The room gone back to the awkward silence. No one spoke but I know they are waiting for me to ask the question.

I fiddle with the blanket as I chew my lower lip.

I distract myself from the stares of Chrissy, Lauren, and Camila by studying everything in the room except them and their beautiful selves which is hard really hard.

I felt a small smile playing at my lips.

My room is still the same

My room is nothing big or small just right. Its like any male teen. Posters of my favorite superheroes and bands on the wall, a desk with my computer, bookshelf with books that I read countless of times.

I felt at home here something I thought I lost know.

I close my eyes and just relax, glad to know the girls did not remove my things or turn my room into one of the guest rooms in the mansion.

I guess they sense that I am taking in the room because they stayed quiet.

"Why are you even here? Didn't you say you have a family night to attend to." I heard Chrissy whisper to which I am sure is Camren.

"No the question here is why are you still here. We said when Y/N wakes up you are suppose to make up a lie and never ever come back to his life." Lauren whispered harshly.

Wow, they are really bad at whispering

No matter how much I tried to keep my eyes on the blanket I failed because the next thing I know I am looking at the black eye of Chrissy.

Of course, Mani

Before Chrissy could come back with a reply I cleared my throat once more which made both girls turn to me while Camila turn her blank look at me.

I motion Chrissy to come closer which she oblige.

In the corner of my eye I saw a fuming Lauren approaching us but before she could reach us she was stopped by Camila. I saw Camila whispering some words to Lauren and in a few seconds Lauren's anger was replaced by a smirk.

I instantly felt my body go to worry and scared mode as to whatever they have planned.

But I gotta take care of Chrissy first

I patted the space next to me in my old bed when Chrissy is standing next to me.

Chrissy gave me a smile before she carefully lay next to me avoiding the wires that is connected to me.

One thing I hate about being in an accident like a car crash is being attach to a dextrose

I cringe at the needle that is attach to me.

I hate needles

I felt Chrissy's head on my chest and her warm and soft hands on mine.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest so quick that I pray to the heavens above Chrissy couldn't feel it which is kinda impossible because she is literally laying on me.

Suddenly I felt Chrissy's right hand on my left part of my chest where my heart is.

The way Chrissy caress my chest gently and how she cuddled with me like we had done it thousands of times showed me how much trust she has for me.

I love this. Just peace and quiet. No screaming in pain or seeing something traumatic that will haunt you till the day you will die.

I let out a sigh as my left hand caress or draw circles on the back of Chrissy.

I glance at Chrissy and saw her already looking at me but this wasn't like any other stare we always do. This stare has some passion and desire in it. By the way Chrissy is biting her lower lip and how she glance at my lips tells me how much she wants to kiss me.

No matter how much I try not to look at her lips because Camren is here my desire got the best of me.

Her lips looks so soft and kissable. I felt myself leaning in forgetting everything and everyone in the room except Chrissy. I saw Chrissy doing the same.


Startled me and Chrissy jump a little in the air. 

We both turn our heads to the crashing sound.

I don't believe it!

Ally's P.O.V

I sigh as Mani drove us away from the city and towards misery.

"Look Ally, your not the only dreading seeing him ok." Mani said while keeping her eyes on the road.

"I know Mani all of us hate him for what he had done to Y/N but I can't keep seeing him hurt Mani, it hurts to much." I said as I remember Y/N eyes when we had to cheat on him and betray him to keep him safe. 

"Ally you just gotta bare it a little more OK? He said we have only one more task to do and after that you, me, and the rest of the girls are free to stop doing his biddings OK? " She said as she reach out for my left hand and caress softly with her right hand as she kept her left hand on the steering wheel while her eyes never left the road.

"Ok" I said in despair at thinking of doing one of those evil things by the same psycho that killed Y/B/N.

"Y/N would really hate us until we die if he knows we have been in contact with the same guy that killed Y/B/N for months. " I said. I felt Mani's hand retracted from mine as she place it back on the steering wheel then squeezing so tight that her hands turns white like a ghost.

"If we didn't followed his instructions for months Y/N would have been dead. " Mani said through gritted teeth. I felt shivers run down my body and not the good kind. If Y/N dies then there is no light in mine and the girls lives anymore.

We are doing all this for you Y/N

I close my eyes and drifted for a short sleep before arriving at our destination.


So sorry for the really really late update been very busy and stressed but on the other note you guys and girls are slowly finding clues on this mystery but there is more and more to come. *smirks*


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