Chapter 11

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I look at the mansion that belong to my ex's. I could feel my heart clench at the memories of us just smiling and laughing at each other with happiness.

Oh,how much I miss those times when we would just look at each other with pure love for one another.

As we approach the mansion we stop at the gates waiting for the guard to check us in.

"What are your na-...Y/N?"

Shit its Leon! If he even utter a word to Y/B/N about them not only they will be in trouble but also I will be in deep Shit for lying to her.

I could feel my heart beat getting faster and faster while my forehead started to sweat.

"What are you doing here?" He ask the question directly at me.

I could feel Y/B/N stare burning in my head.

Think,Think,Think,come on brain.

"I am here because me and Y/B/N is invited by Fifth Harmony for breakfast." I gave him a look that means "Shut up because she does not know" while looking at Y/B/N when she is not looking at me,so he could understand. Hopefully.

"Really?! After what they done to you? I would not even think that you would even give them a glance."

Great just great. Why can't the universe,nature or faith as people called it be ever in my side just once. Is it really that hard.

I felt a lump in my throat as cold bead of sweat drip from my forehead to my neck.

"Y/N what is he talking about?" Y/B/N ask sternly.

Thank you universe for nothing!


I really hope this works.

"Have I ever told you,you are beautiful." I gave her a smile that was a little to happy.

For the love of God,please fall for it.

"Awe thank you." She gave me a smile while she pinch my cheeks.

Finally something good happens.

I smile big but suddenly my mouth twitch downward forming a little frown because she is still pinching my cheeks.

Oh Shit,it hurts she pinches my cheeks harder by the second.

Suddenly she grabs my face close to hers. Her smile was gone and is replace by a frown.

"Never lie to me." She said seriously and sternly. I gulp down my saliva while my body shiver in fear.

I take back what I said. Nothing good happens to me since I caught them cheating.

"I....a-am s-so-rry." I stuttered out.

Y/B/N hates when someone lies. Well then again nobody likes lies.

I guess she saw how scared I was because her face soften.

Thank God.

"I'm sorry I just want you to trust me again. I want us to be like brother and sister Y/N. I felt hurt because you barely talk to me at home. I am even lucky if you make a conversation with me. I just want everything to be like before." I could feel and hear the sadness in her voice. Her eyes showed how broken she was.

I have been so caught up in my own pain that I did not even saw the pain I cause on her. She looks so vulnerable and broken.

We were so close before she moved. We were partner in crime. If one of us were hurt the other would be there no matter where the other is. We were like brother and sister. We were inseparable. We even wore the same colors in clothes. We were like twins.

As I started to think about how I treated Y/B/N the past week I could feel guilt,regret and sadness because if that was how Y/B/N treated me I would have just cried and stare at the ceiling with sadness.

"I'm sorry." I brought her into a hug which she accepted it without hesitation. I felt hot droplets of fresh tears on my shirt as my bestfriend no scratch that my sister cried. I felt my vision started to blur. I did not even relished I was crying but I did not even care because I had someone who is there for me someone I could call a friend,bestfriend,family.

I could hear her starting to sob. I just hug her tighter. We needed this. We needed to let out our emotions since I came to her in England. We kept in our emotions for so long that it hurt her and me but the pain I felt from them distracted me from it.

I should have seen her pain instead of moping around and feeling sad for something that happened.

"Shhh stop crying please I don't like you to cry because when your sad I am sad." I felt her breathing starting to become even signaling she stop sobbing but I could still feel hot fresh tears on my neck.

I started to draw shapes and letters on her back knowing it would help her to stop crying.

"Are you my friend?" I felt my heart clench at her words.

"No.." before I could finish my sentence she sob harder then I ever heard. She held me so tight that I could literally feel my bones break.

"W-why not?!" She ask desperately as she bawled her eyes out.

"Because how can I have you as my bestfriend when your my sister." I told her with a genuine smile that I thought I lost when I lost them.

"You arsehole!" She hit me in the chest while I laugh but it stop when I could hear her crying as she hit me which started to hurt.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! What's wrong?! Are you fucking stupid?! I thought I lost you." She said the last part in a small voice that I almost miss.

I slowly push her back and I grab her chin making her look at me."You will never lose me because I am your brother and a brother's job and responsibility is to love their sister and protect her from anything that can harm her and to never leave her and to be there for her in her darkest time." I told her giving her the biggest reassuring smile.

"Really?" She ask with hope in her eyes.

"Yes really." I told her because its the truth I am gonna start acting like her brother.

I gave her a kiss to the forehead which she returned with a kiss to the cheek. We smile at each other so big that people might think that we are married with each other.

We heard someone cleared their throat. We turned to the person who made it and found Leon.

Woah did we really forget about him.

"You may go in." Leon said smiling awkwardly.

He must have saw everything while he was waiting.

Y/B/N drove the car to the girl's mansion with a smile while humming softly to the song "on top of the world" by Imagine Dragons.

I smiled at the pick of her song at this time.

I may have lost my brother but I have a sister in return.

Stronger(Fifth Harmony/You)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें