Chapter 22

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A/N: So first of all I wanna say sorry because it really took me a long, long time to update but as a sorry gift I made this Chapter as the longest in the book and I have ever written in my entire life hope you enjoy. :)

Word count not including the A/N: 3,155

PS: Do you want to change the cover of this book?


Your P. O. V

Its been a week since my sister died. Nothing has been easy for me. All I could think about was how Y/B/N died in front of my eyes. Her eyes that was filled with fear but also happiness, happiness that she saw me one last time.

I don't what hurts more seeing the most important person in your life scared or seeing them happy seeing you one last time.

But that's life right, you meet friends, you care for them, you make memories with them, you love them, then they die leaving you with pain, pain that makes you cry and scream for it to stop.

I wish I had more time with her. Half of my time with her I spent soaking in my breakup with my ex's.

Regrets, sadness, and guilt that's all I felt since Y/B/N passed away. I didn't expect my heart to suffer so much pain in just a year.

I gently touch the photo of me and Y/B/N. All I have left of her is my memories and pictures of her.

The picture is about my first time going to a carnival. We were 15 then, just kids having fun. I don't like getting a picture but like I said I would do anything for Y/B/N. I had my left arm on her neck while she has her right arm on my waist. Since I was taller then her I took the picture. We both had the hugest smiles on our faces.

I loved that day but now thinking about it or any other memories of my sister brings tears and pain to my heart.

I gently caress the photo while looking at it with agony.

"Y/N" I look away from the picture but still held it possessively in my hands.

When I look up I felt all the air leave in my body.

"Ms Y/B/M/N" There stood Y/B/N mother smiling sadly at me.

I place the picture on my bedside table before I stood up and ran to her engulfing her in a big hug which she returned.

I started sobbing my heart out not only because Y/B/N dead but because of how fuck up my life is. Being ignore by my parents. Getting my heart broken by the people I love. And now the only person that was always there for me is dead.

"It's gonna get better Y/N." Her words were so soft and caring but I could tell she was crying because of the hot tears that were on my neck. Even though me and Y/B/M/N aren't that close we cared and loved the same person and we both knew how much pain it caused when that person died.

No matter how much reassuring words and smiles we both know that our lives will never be the same.

We both pulled away from the hug but this time I gave her a small smile.

"Thank you, I really needed that." Even though it was only a hug it meant the world to me, someone still cares for me.

A hug could do a lot of things that could mean a lot to a person.

"No problem sweetie." She said giving me a reassuring smile but her eyes tells me a different story.

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