Chapter 40 - Final Chapter

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A/N:Wow guys we reach the end. This chapter is the longest one of them all with 7,475 words. I never would have finish this if it wasn't for your guys support on this. So thank you so so much you don't know how much this means to me. I could still remember when I first started this with a few readers and now this book exploded my limitations so thank you my beautiful readers and don't worry I will release a new book soon and I will continue my other book Down to nothing (camila/you)  thank you again very thank you. Damn guys I stayed up till 4:00 in the morning just to finish this for you guys but it's my gift to you for staying with me till the end.


Y/N (P.O.V)

I look back at Perri's friends then back at Perri.

"You've got to be kidding me. " I said.

Perri frown at my words. "They can help Y/N. Trust me. "

"Yeah mate. We are not just singers. " Harry argued.

I look back at the most biggest boy band in the world. The ones who broken countless records. The ones who has millions of girls fawning over them. The ones, who, I guess never been into any goddamn death match.

I shook my head in frustration. "You just wasted my time Perri. "

"We can really help you out-" I interrupted Liam before he could finish his sentence.

"How is a damn boy band gonna help me out against a bunch of ruthless and merciless thugs, huh? "

I felt soft hands wrap themselves around my waist. "Calm down Y/N. "

I really did try to listen to Lauren but my mind can't stop worrying about my family who is in the hands of a goddamn she-devil.

I turn around and grab Lauren's hand in mine. "Stay here with them. You will be safe. "

"You can't do this alone Y/N. Please just hear them out. " Lauren pleaded.

I shook my head. "I won't let anyone else get hurt by Y/B/N's madness Laur. "

I didn't wait for her response as I made my exit. I couldn't bear to see her broken filled eyes. I look back up when I felt a hard chest collide with mine.

"You need help and you damn know it. " Louis said his arms crossed.

I chuckle but it had no humor in it. "Do you even know what you are getting yourself into? "

"Yeah Perri filled us in on the way here. " Niall piped in as he stood beside Louis and the rest of One Direction.

"So you really want to get your family killed by helping a guy who you only talk to now? " I raise my eyebrows waiting for their reply but only silence filled the room.

I shook my head and push past the boys.

"You are only getting your family killed Y/N. "

I stop in front of the door that leads to the outside world.

"What do you mean by that Lauren? " I ask without turning around.

I heard her soft footsteps patter closer to me as she spoke.

"You and I know Y/B/N is expecting you to do this Y/N. She knows you like the back of her hand. Every plan you make she has a counter to it. " Her footsteps took a stop as her breath tickle the baby hair on the back of my neck. "You will only get them all killed and yourself Y/N. "

I close my eyes and release a sigh.
"I know what I'm doing Lauren. "

I felt her hand grab my wrist as she turn me around.

Stronger(Fifth Harmony/You)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن