Clarity Of The Moon's Mirage

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"Why can't you kiss me?" A small voice asks, childlike almost. The question that haunts her dreams, her memories, why am I not good enough?

Why can't I just be loved?

Swallowing down her misery, it sits heavy in the pit of my stomach.

"Only the truth between us right." She nods her head, I'm going to hurt her.

"I want to kiss you so bad, but every time I see your lips I picture those lips with Grey, doing things to Grey that I have a hard time with. I feel they are unclean." Taking several steps away from me, her whole body turning into itself, shoulders hunching, Her Wolf starting to ripple underneath her skin.

"I just want to be honest with you. I want you to understand how difficult this is for me to want you so much yet I can't bring myself to kiss your lips because they disgust me so much." It looks like I just physically hit her with the pain my words caused her. In a way, it hurts me to see her like this but it hurts me more to see her with my own brother.

"So, what was all this a test to see if, what? You could touch me without throwing up." Her voice raising now in anger. Her wolf snarls out towards me, it's full of jaundice, full of desire to do great harm to my body.

The wolf's hate just keeps growing for me, it's insatiable.

A memory of hers that's deep down in the sewer of her mind. The demon only to please to lift it up for me to feast on.

"Filthy disgusting female." Her father's voice turns on her as soon as our car pulls away from the house. All the pack's eyes turn on Victoria once we're completely gone. Her head against the pole, hands clenching together. Crying, she's crying not because of the pain she's about to feel but the pain she caused Grey and me. The pain of my eyes that ripped her soul out of her body.

"Take off those clothes." He's quiet now, so quiet that she can't hear him.

"I said take off your clothes." With trembling fingers she does. Listening to her father the way she has been taught to.

The first sting of the whip hits her back hard she doesn't cry out yet because this is what she deserves. Another hit of the silver leaves her breathless, but she deserves this, that's what she thinks.

He's laughing as the blood paints her flesh with color. The shame in herself is what steals my breath away.

"You have no honor. Who will want you now? Nobody!" His rancid breath covering her exposed flesh, getting near her. Eyes of the pack watching her punishment as the beating starts, the whole time her father yelling how dirty she is, how filthy a female she is, how disgusting she is. This just doesn't last for an hour this beating lasts for two months. Tied to the pole, the grime layering on as the days turn to weeks without being washed from her own body's waste. The weeks turned into months, she can't stand any longer, her skeletal frame so emaciated that her bones are almost poking out of the layer of skin. The only thing that is playing in her mind that is now lost to its own madness is the way my eyes looked at her in that moment between us. The way I looked at her in disgust.

All she thinks about is that she deserves everything she's getting and more.

This is the first time she really wants to die, the first time in her whole tortured life that she wants to give up but she's afraid that the moon won't even take someone as disgusting as her into her embrace.

When she's finally released she refuses to leave the pole, refuses to move. She just lies there unable to do anything. It's Charlie who picks her up off the ground.

"I'm sorry Victoria. I think in time, maybe I could get over this." The tightness in my throat makes the words scratch against my inside.

"Don't touch me again." Snarling her words out, more wolf than female. Picking her clothing off the ground.

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