Dont leave my side.

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-Emily's POV-

I got of bed early when I heard whimpering coming from Crystals bedroom.
I frowned and swung open to door to see Chrissy sitting at the edge of her bed trying to stand up.
"Sweetheart what's wrong" I kneeled to her.
"I hurt my leg and it's still really sore"
"Can you not stand up?"
She shook her head.
"Okay, uhh do you know how your hurt it?"
"I was in a panic cause it was dark and I got lost and tripped on a tree root, I felt a crick led in my knee and I couldn't walk"
I lifted her leg, she winced at my touch.
"Shit- Chris?! Chris!!"
Chris came through, just woken up.
"I think knee is dislocated. We need to get her to the hospital"
"Are you sure it's not just a sprain"
"No, no this is bad,"
"Okay I'll grab some jeans and a hoodie I'll be right back."
I picked my little girl up and rushed her to the car.

Chris came not long after driving to the hospital.
We rushed into the emergency ward and got to the front desk.
"Hey my daughter has dislocated her kneecap I believe,"
"Crystal Cerulli"
He glanced over at crystal looking her in the eyes
"When did this happen"
"Last night" I nodded.
"And the joint hasn't found its way back into place?"
"No, that's why we are here"
"It is dangerous to leave joints and bones out of place, I'm afraid this is classed as a emergency and she will be taken right away"
She set an alarm which triggered a group of nurses coming with a wheelchair.
I placed her in the wheelchair and she was wheeled away from us both rushing through the corridor.
"No- no Emily-
she said looking back not wanting me to be by her side.
I tried catching up but they were too quick.
"What's going on" I said scared shaking my head.
Chris cupped his hands round my cheeks brining my face to his.
"She'll be fine okay? It will work out"
He took my hand in mine.
"Can you two come through?" Said the doctor brining us into the office.
"Is she gonna be alright?" I asked.
"She's in a rough condition with her knee, leaving a bone that has been displaced leads to cutting the circulation in the leg. Which is dangerous if we left it any longer"
"She's in a lot of pain but gave her so thing to help with that. She's quite distressed."
"Can we see her?" Asked Chris.
"My team haven't finished casting her leg it shouldn't be too long, she was asking for you Chris actually"
"Me?" Said Chris.
"I'll go wait in the car," smiled Emily.

-Chris's POV-

I waited for a good ten minutes until I was able to see Christa.
I headed inside seeing her laying shaking in pain.
Her eyes scrunched shut as the ruse finished wrapping her leg.
Her hugging on one of the soft toys that a nurse had gave her from the waiting room as this was a kids ward.
I my my hand over here which was tightly grasping on a plush toy.
She opened her eyes, and sat up automatically wrapping her arms around me as she cried.
"I'm here, you okay?" I hushed.
"It really hurts I thought you were gonna leave me" she cried
I shook my head,
"Of course we won't, I would never do that okay? No matter what I say I will always love you"
"I think I need to tell you and mommy w-why I've been so difficult" she sniffled burying my face into my shirt.
I kissed her forehead.
"You weren't being difficult okay? Come on darling Chris will take you home" I kissed her hand.
I carried her home.
She fell asleep in my arms,
"I love you dad" she yawned
"Love you too"

Hey guys
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
My YouTube channel is back up and running!
I just uploaded a video talking about high School!
My YouTube is called Gemma Hell
Check it out!
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