Dont do this..

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-Chris's POV-

"Okay you ready Chris?!"
"Yep!" I grinned at the bottom of the stairs,
"Tah dah!"
She revealed Christa's makeover and she looked absolutely stunning,
I smiled,
She blushed and smiled too,
"You wanna see?" Said Emily excitedly
She nodded and walked downstairs to the mirror in the hall,
Her smile faded,
Which worried me,
She took a dizzy turn and almost fell back in herself,
I steadied her but she flinched at my touch
"Don't touch me" she jerked with a scared look,
I frowned
She walked passed me and upstairs and locked the  bedroom door,
Emily sat down on the stairs in shame,
She put her hands through her hair in stress, her breathing quickened,
"No,no, no Emily calm down, breathe" I said rubbing her arms,
She scrunched her eyes and held her breath, which is a sign that she is gonna have a panic attack,
This was thing I didn't like her doing, when she reacts to an attack this way, when she holds her breath it is hard to make her stop and she ends up suffocating herself,
Her eyes opened but she never met any air in,
She stared blankly at me with a sad expression, tears rolling down her cheek,
"Come on don't do this! It's Okay! I've got you baby we will sort it out together"
Her eyes started the close,
I hesitated and looked around me seeing how far away the house phone was to call an ambulance,
I saw a figure at the top of the stairs to see a guilty crissy at the top of the stairs,
I looked up and then back at Emily,
"Em, baby, come on"
She gasped for breath and shakily reached for my shoulders for support to sit up
She wrapped my arms round my neck,
"Oh, oh my god" I sighed in relief and I kissed all over  her face and neck,
Crissy was gone,
"I'm sorry" she began to cry,
I kissed Emily,
"Don't be it's okay, it wasn't your fault I promise, I'll talk to her"
She nodded and kissed my lips softly and we held each other one more time before we headed upstairs to see if your little girl was okay,
I knocked first,
"Christa come out honey what's wrong"
"No, please just leave me"
"Crissy please, was it something I did or said, I promise I never meant a thing to hurt you"
"Not its not that"
"Was it your makeup" asked Chris,
"No, the makeup was beautiful," I heard her sniffle from the other side of the door,
"Sweetie please come out, we want you to be okay"
"You guys don't understand,!" She cried,
"But we want to baby, we are your parents and you need to let us in" said Emily softly,
"Your not my parents!"
Me and Emily looked at each other sadly,
"Your nothing like my parents that's the problem" she cried from the other side of the locked door,
Emily was about to walk away in tears, but she stopped herself,
She turned around,
"Just so you know chrissy, we didn't pick any old girl at that care home, we picked you, we chose you. I am sorry we aren't your dream parents or whatever but it must be as sure as hell better than back in that place, we heard you got bullied there, that's why we took you in, cause we were bullied our whole lives aswell, but if you want to be sent back because eyes hate us then so be it, but we will leave it up to you" said Emily, tears rushed down her cheeks,
"Baby where are you going" I said stopping her,
"Just need some air" she nodded with her blood shot eyes,
"I love you, crissy, very much, and I hate to hear or see you cry, please let me in"
"Can you wait a bit please? I will let you in tonight but you only,"
I smiled,
"Okay and we can talk through why you are upset"
"Okay good to hear it"

Hey guys,
Oh my I am dreadfully sorry for not updating this in ages,
Writers block sucks,
Anyways I still don't have schedule for this yet,
I just update when I can really cause I update my other story, my little black swan
Anyways I love you guys,
Sorry it is slow,
Seeya gem

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