Chapter 06: Danger Lurks

Start from the beginning

“They decided to do all this just because of that?! Are they even human?!” Eren growled, giving another hard push and managed to move it a little more.

“Mom… Hurry and come with me! We can still make it! There’s still time! We mustn’t wait until they— ”

“Eren!” his mother pleaded again, “I… can’t escape anymore… Please just listen to my last request! You must run and get out of here! Those men are dangerous!”

“I said I won’t leave you—!”

Eren was unexpectedly shoved away from his mother and he hit the ground hard. The sound of his mother calling him could faintly be heard. He looked up with a hard glare, full of hate for the person who did this to his mother.

His eyes met with those of a very dangerous man. And even in his eyes, Eren almost faltered at how scary he looked. His eyes….they were just terrifying to him at that time and the thing that he could clearly remember was the skull-like tattoo the man bore on the left side of his neck together with the word “T”.

But Eren had the passion as hard as steel, he kept his glare hard.

“Why?! You bastard! Why are you so heartless?!” he leapt to his feet and lunged at the man, managing to scratch the man’s arm before he was shoved to the ground again. Said man apparently got angry at the sudden assault; he took his rifle out and aimed it right at Eren’s head.

“NO!!!” Eren could hear his mother scream.

The click of the lock on the rifle came off and the man prepared to shoot. Eren’s breathing picked up, maybe this would be the end—


The sound of the gunshot rang through the village but Eren felt nothing. He slowly looked up…

And he could feel his heart stop right there.

Blood splattered on him as he witnessed his mother’s now lifeless body fall to the ground. ....She had managed to use the last of her energy to squeeze out of the debris and push herself in front of Eren to protect him.

“Mom… MOM, NO!!!” he shrieked, cradling her body close to him.

“Eren…” he heard her last breath get drawn in, “Please… you must survive…”

“No… Don’t die… You can’t leave me!”

It was too late, the life had left her eyes forever, and he couldn’t feel her heartbeat anymore… he knew she was gone...

“You… fucking… bastard…” Eren’s expression morphed into that of pure, solid hatred.

But, as he was about to get up and lunge at the man again, a big burning tree bark suddenly fell right in front of him with a loud bang, and the impact pushed him off the edge of the hill, considering that his house was situated right at the edge. Darkness hit him as he banged his head on the way down, and he fell into unconsciousness before he could realize that he had dropped into the river below….


“I… was considered very lucky. They must have thought I was dead, so they left me alone. When I woke up, the authorities had found me and I was brought back to the city. I got treated and when I got better, I was sent to an old house that I even didn’t know my grandparents owned. Mikasa was already living there at that time because of some matters my father had to settle with her moving in as my new step-sister so she didn’t witness what happened at the village. …My father was killed too…on that same day.” Eren finished his explanation of what happened in the past and looked down with tears brimming in his eyes. But he held back, he didn’t want to seem weak in front of Levi, at least that’s what he thought.

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