Cera let herself relax as the hot water streamed over her. She felt all of her tense muscles go slack and moaned in appreciation. She let her hands roam over her body to farther massage her firm and supple skin. She was enjoying herself so much she became a little alarmed when she felt a third hand glide down her back and grip her ass. She spun around quickly to see who it was and found Méa's dimpled face smiling back at her.

Cera's face lit up into a wide grin. "Hey babe."

Méa pulled Cera close and kissed her flush on the lips. They embraced for a moment, holding each other at the waist while they continued on with their kissing. Cera loved kissing Méa because she knew how to do it just right. She varied her pressure and didn't use too much tongue. Méa pulled away and smiled again. "Hey."

Cera giggled and pecked her on the lips before facing the shower again. "Did you lock the door back?"

"Of course I did. Even though you know you don't need to."

"Having a doorman doesn't provide much security if someone wants to get in bad enough."

"No, but the three guns you own might."

Cera just laughed. Everyone that knew her knew how she felt about needing to feel secure. She worked hard to get to where she was and wouldn't risk feeling safe in her home by not doing something as simple as making sure her door was dead bolted whenever she entered and exited her apartment. The guns were for her own protection and she made sure she knew how to shoot, load, and clean each one. She believed in the right to bear arms but she couldn't respect someone who didn't do it safely and responsibly.

Méa moved to stand behind Cera and flicked her tongue over her ear before whispering, "Did you wait for me in the shower on purpose?" Méa knew that Cera loved shower sex. Sure she liked to have sex other places, but the shower was her favorite. If there was an opportunity for her to make love in the shower she didn't hesitate to take it.

Cera nodded then angled her head to the side to give Méa better access. Méa placed her hands and Cera's hips and kissed her behind the ear. Cera let out a small moan and tried to focus on what was being done to her. Méa slowly trailed her hands up Cera's sides and landed on her breasts. She kissed down her neck as she gently pinched her nipples. Cera arched her back to press her breast into Méa's hands even more to indicate just how much she liked it.

Méa spun her around and kissed her passionately once more. Cera moaned into her mouth before Méa trailed her kisses to her jaw and down her throat. Cera sucked in a breath as Méa took one of her breast into her mouth. She gently circled the nipple with her tongue and nibbled just enough to make Cera shiver with want. She suckled and nibbled while Cera ran her hands through her hair.

Cera was so turned on by this point she was sure that if they weren't already wet from the shower, her juices would be pouring down her legs. After Méa spent an adequate amount of time loving on her breast, Cera pulled her up for one last kiss. She intertwined their hands and backed them against the wall so they weren't directly under the spray of the water. Still locked in their kiss Cera guided Méa's hand to her core, silently asking to be touched. Méa obliged and slipped a finger between Cera's dripping lips.

Méa first avoided the spot that Cera wanted her to touch the most. She circled around the nub avoiding direct contact until Cera whimpered with need. "Please. Arrêtez taquineries."

"Speak English, Honey." Méa knew exactly what Cera had told her, but she chose to tease her to prolong her ecstasy. She knew that the shower intensified every touch for Cera and she often came quickly. She wanted Cera to ride the wave of pleasure as long as she could before she reached her peak.

End GameWhere stories live. Discover now