"Tamaki, you're talking a little bit to fast for me to write," Skye said frantically as she scribbled a few words in blue then switched to a purple pen. 

"We need some red punch- Skye, could you make that?" Tamaki asked the poor girl. She pushed the hair out of her face and nodded, not looking up from her writing. 

"What about a contest?" Tamaki said excitedly. 

"What kind of contest?" Raven asked, with skepticism on her face.  

"An eating contest!" Hikaru exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. 

"But how many of the girls would actually compete in an eating contest?" Raven asked. She was right to be skeptical about this though. Most high school girls are concerned about how pretty are and their weight. Most of them couldn't help it, considering the world they were raised in where it was hard to happy just being yourself -hard to not compare yourself to others. 

That's what the Host Club was for though- Making girls feel comfortable just as themselves. 

"Well, they would compete if there was a prize," Skye said with thought. Suddenly, Tamaki jumped from his chair. 

"I've got it!" 




Kyoya looked pissed and pleased. 

"You should have waited for everyone before we started planning, but I suppose it will be okay with a few minor changes," he said with a sigh. 

"You like this plan?" Skye asked, shocked.  "More specifically, you don't care that the prize is a date? With any host they want?" 

"I think it'll be good since many more girls will become interested in the Host Club at the party. The girls will also all be motivated by this prize. However, I'm a little concerned about the 'food eating contest' idea."

"What? Why?" Hikaru huffed.

"Because some girls might get sick or choke. It wouldn't be healthy either. Maybe something like a dance contest?" 

"I like that idea better," Raven started. "But what kind of dancing?"

"The formal kind, of course," Tamaki said with a chuckle. 

"Skye can barely walk without falling over, how is she supposed to dance?" Raven said, earning her a playful slap and "Hey! Do not," from Skye.

Tamaki looked at them horrified.

"You don't know how to dance? First Haruhi and now you two? Well, fine. I can teach you." 

"Both of them?" I asked with a raised brow. 

"Right. You can teach one of them as-"

"Boss, aren't you a tad bit too tall to teach them?" Hikaru chimed in.

"You two are no better!"

"Well technically, Kaoru and Hikaru are best suited to help the twins, since they are closest to the height of the average male," Kyoya said, ending the argument. 

Quickly, I walked over to Raven and took her hand in mine, leading her through a door which led to a room for dancing which was connected to Music Room 3. 

"Hey- What was that all about? Couldn't you have just asked?" Raven huffed, a blush across her cheeks. Her voice echoed in the large room which held only a piano. 

"Uh- Well, you see, Hikaru isn't as good as dancing as me, so I figured it'd be best for me to teach you."

"What about Skye?" she asked, her eyes narrowing. 

"I just said I was better. I didn't say he was horrible," I muttered. I was running out of excuses. "Let's just get to waltzing."


"Okay...So this hand," I reached for her hand and guided it to my shoulder. "goes here."

Raven watched closely, blush covering her cheeks. I placed my hand around her waist gently and noticed how she tensed up. Carefully, I reached for her other hand and entwined our fingers. Her hands were warm and soft.

"I'm going to lead, so just try to follow my steps," I said, my voice low. I stepped forward, imagining the music in my head and going with the rhythm. We practiced slowly for a few minutes, but despite how slowly we were moving, Raven still stumbled a little bit. 

And so as I was leading her, stepping in a sort of rhythm, she stumbled right into my chest. 

It was like I was holding her again, safely in my arms. I felt the urge to pull her closer to me, and so I did.

She looked up suddenly, and our movements almost stopped completely. My hand slipped away from hers gently- instead I placed my hand on her cheek. I was waiting for her to stop me and say something sarcastic, but she didn't.

She just stared at me with wide eyes and a hopeful expression. 

And so I leaned down as slow as possible, my eyes gently closing as my face got closer to hers. I could feel my heart beat quicken the closer I got. We were close enough for me to feel her heart beat too. 

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Raven jumped away from me, her face tomato red. I felt my face heat up as well as I looked towards the door. 

Skye stood there with a confused expression. She raised her brows as she looked at Raven. 





Raven's POV

"Just tell me what happened!" Skye said for the hundredth time since we got home. 

"There's nothing to tell," I said quietly. I didn't like not telling Skye stuff, but I still was unsure myself of what happened. 

But I knew that Kaoru had pulled me close enough for me to feel his breath against my lips. I also knew that I liked it.

"Don't lie to me," Skye said with a pout. I inhaled sharply and hugged my pillow tighter. 

"I'm not lying. I'm... I'm just not completely sure of what happened or what was supposed to happen..." I trailed off. "I just want to sleep." 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah, 'm just tired." 

"Okay. It is late. I'll see you in the morning. Night." She flipped the light switch off, and I got under the covers, hugging one pillow and lying on the other one. 

I was getting tired of falling asleep thinking about him. 

Mysterious Twins ~An Ouran High school Host club Fan fiction~Where stories live. Discover now