Chapter 17 - DARCY

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At the sudden fall of silence between me and Gohan I took my chance to leave, I was leaving him standing there almost in a state of shock at what had happened. Knowing where Paisley was within the crowd I hurried my small feet in her direction, apprehensive for how she was going to react. It had only been a few hours since we'd last seen each other, but it had felt like the longest time. I hadn't realised how reliant I had become of her company, it was a constant form of happiness for me. Something I'd never really experienced before, after all Paisley was the first person I'd ever truly got close to.

I pushed my way past the members of the audience who were now strolling throughout the corridors, some were diving into their food and drink, whilst others were boisterously yelling and chatting about everything they'd seen. Thankfully, no one seemed to recognise me up close, which made darting through the crowd a whole lot easier. I managed to get to the entrance of the seating area pretty swiftly, and almost ran into Paisley's arms. She was already watching out for me, and as soon as she caught sight, she was running in my direction. We quickly embraced, both our faces encased in smiles. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the other members of the group, including both ChiChi and Bulma. Both women were watching me intently, neither really showing any obvious form of emotion as to how they were feeling towards me.

"Darcy you were amazing!" I knew I was about to be overloaded in compliments by Paisley, and to some degree I was ready but I knew that my mind was going to wonder to and from the fight that Gohan and I had just experienced.

"Thank you, honestly it didn't feel that good. It almost felt like a tainted win." The moment the words left my lips ChiChi was the first to chime in. Her eyes darting straight towards me as she risked a few quick steps towards me.

"I'm glad you feel guilty, you stole that win from my brave Gohan. He deserved to win and you ruined that chance for him." ChiChi's words drifted through my mind, as her face came eerily close to mine. Her eyes alight with rage and annoyance, I knew I'd be no match for the mother, she was a very determined woman that much was very clear.

"I'm sorry ChiChi... I am, but I need to win for me and Paisley." I tried to sound brave, but confronting ChiChi was not something I'd expected to do today, especially as I'd only just met the woman, but she was being unsympathetic in every way possible. She didn't have a clue about what else was going on, but she needed to back off.

"You're sorry? Do you even know what the word means? And who is this 'we' you speak of?" I nodded briefly in the direction of Paisley, I answered ChiChi without uttering one single word. She didn't deserve my words, not for how she was talking to me now.

I knew my temper was rising, but I was doing my upmost to dull it back down and remind myself that these people were Paisley's friends and I couldn't disrespect them in any, out of sheer politeness.

"ChiChi, honestly calm down on the girl. She's a friend of Paisley's so she can't be all that bad." Bulma's hand snuck its way around ChiChi's shoulder and began pulling her away from the tension that was building between the two of us.

"Yeah, honestly ChiChi you've got Darcy all wrong. This woman has been nothing but an angel to me since the day she arrived." At the mention of my arrival, the women stopped and looked over at me once again. Their eyes full to the brim with curiosity.

"Arrival? What do you mean Paisley?" Bulma was the first to break the sudden build in silence, I knew what was about to happen Paisley was about to discuss how I'd arrive. Taking my chance, I took a seat behind them as they began to yap amongst one another.

* *

"You are kidding right?" The shocked expression on Bulma's face was astounding, as was the one on ChiChi's, both of them women fell back into their chairs at the news they'd just heard. Paisley had explained everything about how I'd arrived on Earth and neither woman had taken the news as easily as we'd hoped. But soon enough ChiChi's eyes were brimming with unshed tears, her lips puckered at the quivering mess of emotions she'd become. This was the quickest development of emotions I'd ever watched.

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