TWENTY| my bubble is bursted

Start from the beginning

Ok, in my defense for what happened next, I was already extremely pissed off and Diana Sydney had just threatened my boyfriend. I wasn't exactly thinking rationally at the time.

So, all my anger came bubbling to the surface as I grabbed a fork that was seated beside the plate in front of me. I used all my strength as I brought the fork down into Diana's Sydney's hand that was seated on the table.

Luckily, all the cafeteria workers had gone back into the kitchens and weren't around to hear her cry of pain. I stood up with my hand still holding the fork in hers and leaned over the table to look right into her eyes.

I spoke in a low threatening tone, "You're right. I am the daughter of a Council member, and I could have you floated easily. Who do you think they're going to believe if you go around spreading rumors? The daughter of Daniel Winters or a has been old hag?" Diana gave me a glare as she fought against my grip. "You can threaten me all you want, Diana, but if I hear one little rumor about Bellamy I'll know who's behind it, and this fork won't be in your hand. It'll be in your neck." After a few more intense seconds, I yanked the fork out of Diana's hand and set it beside it her.  She let out a hiss of pain, and I smirked, "Enjoy your lunch."


Later that day, I was braiding Octavia's long, dark brown hair as she told me about her favorite stories from Greek mythology. I enjoyed spending time with her. I could see us becoming good friends in the future, but I had been thinking a lot recently about how in the world Aurora and Bellamy were going to keep Octavia hidden her whole life. It seemed impossible. One day, someone would find out, and what would happen then?

Besides, was hiding under the floor unable to even leave her living quarters the right way to live? It wasn't my place, but I couldn't help but try and think of a way for Octavia to live a better life.

I shook off the troubling thoughts as I finished braiding her hair, "There you go."

Octavia reached behind her as she ran her hand down the braid, "Thanks, Harles. My mom never has time to fix my hair."

"Well, that's what friends are for," I answered with a smile.

She stood up from where she was seated in front of me on the ground and sat beside me on the lower bunk bed, "You're really special to Bellamy you know. I've never heard him talk about a girl the way he talks about you."

I tried to fight the blush that was rising to my cheeks, "He's special to me too."

"No, you don't understand," Octavia replied. "He's never ever let a girl meet our mom. He even told you about me. He entrusted you with his biggest secret."

"And I promise my lips are sealed."

She nodded, "I know, but you also have to understand that Bell... When he cares about someone, he will literally do anything for you. Even if it means walking to hell and back. He can be really reckless, and he thinks with his heart. Which means that when he's in, he's all in. I just want to make sure that you're all in too because I couldn't stand to see him hurt."

I took Octavia's hands in mine, "Octavia, I've been all in for a while. I fell for your brother before I even knew what was happening, and I promise he's the only one for me."

A huge smile beamed across her face, and before she could answer the door opened revealing Bellamy walking in with his guard's uniform on. He glanced between Octavia and me with a happy expression.

Octavia stood up, "I don't know why an amazing girl like Harley chose to go out with you," she teased.

Bellamy rolled his eyes and came over to where I was sitting. He placed a quick kiss to my lips, "Couldn't stay away?" He asked with cockiness in his voice.

"Actually, I need to talk to you," His eyes suddenly became laced with concern. "I did something that may or may not involve me, Diana Sydney, and a fork." He raised his eyebrows. "Ok, I stabbed her in the hand with a fork and then told her she was an old hag."

His eyes widened, "You did what?!"

I held up my hand, "But before you freak out, I had a very good reason."

 "Harley, I'm already freaking out!" He exclaimed. "She can easily get you arrested! She's not someone you mess with!"

I stood up as Octavia crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm glad you stabbed her. From what Bell tells me, she's a bitch."

"See? Your sister understands."

Bellamy let out a sigh, "Harley, I know she's hard to deal with, but you can't just stab someone with a fork because they piss you off. Wow, I never expected to have to say that to someone."

"Well, that's great advice, but it's kinda too late," Bellamy gave me a serious look. he clearly wasn't in the mood for my jokes. "Look, just let me tell you why I did it, and I'm sure afterward instead of being upset, you'll be giving me a high five."

I told Bellamy everything that had happened, including what Jaha told me at the Council meeting. I told him that the Council wanted us to break up and that Diana Sydney wanted to overthrow the Chancellor so she can take his position. That was why so many riots were happening, and that was why she kept inspiring the chaos.

I knew from the moment I met her that something was off about her. She had that lust for power in her eyes. She just had that backstabbing bitch face. I had never trusted her, and even though I did not like Jaha there was no way I'd want him overthrown by Diana Sydney. She was way worse.

The second she became Chancellor she wouldn't give a damn about Factory Station. She'd do everything she could to make sure she was in power until her last dying breath. if it was up to me the whole last dying breath would be sooner than later.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Bellamy as we both sat on the bed after I finished telling him everything.

He kept his eyes straight forward, "You need to tell your dad about Diana Sydney. Maybe once the Council sees that she's the one behind all of this they won't insist that we stop seeing each other."

"And if they don't?"

Bellamy turned his head to look at me, "I don't know, Princess."

I leaned my head on his shoulder, "Let's just forget about all that for a while. Right now, I just want to be with you." He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead, "They just had to burst my bubble didn't they?"


Ok, so this book is getting close to the end. I think it'll have around 26 or 27 chapters. I have the ending all planned out in my head, but I don't really know how long it will take to wrap everything up. There's so much more that is going to happen. You guys are in for a wild ride. Also, I wasn't planning on Harley stabbing Diana Sydney with a fork, but I was writing and was like 'hey I really hate Diana Sydney. Wouldn't it be cool if someone stabbed her with a fork?' So yeah Harley stabbed her with a fork.

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