Chapter 12

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Right after the uncomfortable moment Bella put me through, Bernard just laughed and started fighting with Matt for leaving him alone in a moment of need. Bella just looked at me with a malicious smile on her face but I ignored her.

We spent the day at my house talking about movies and series, even though I thought this would be an uncomfortable reunion I was quite surprised when everything went really well. I cooked a very Dominican food, white rice, beans and chicken; when Matt tried it He bow down and proposed to me. Bella choked when she saw the action and Bernard helped her patting her back, obviously the Brown haired guy was joking; at the end they left and Matt was making fun of Bernard for using a girly Pj that he promised to clean very well and give it to me at work.

Bernard changed his attitude and I have to say I'm happy he did, I was planning how I was supposed to work with him after our major fight a couples of days ago but thank God everything ended very well and we talked about it as adults finding a solution.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 6:30 pm so I decided to work a Little bit on the nano robots. I went to my room to find my laptop, immediately when I got in I smelled his cologne, strong, spicy, and heady, all in one.

''Monse stop'' I censured myself. I tried not to think about him in this way

Bernard was handsome, more than that he was beautiful if you can say that talking about a man; God took special time making him, his features, his body, all of him was a freaking sculpture, you can appreciatively look for hours without getting tired. I shook my head trying to forget the line of thoughts my mind was having, I know today we made a big jump and I know things are going to get better.

My laptop was charging under my bed,  I bended my body when I tried to reach it just pulling out my hand and extend it under it, I touched something that for sure was not my laptop and I screamed pulling back my hand. I'm not a huge fan of insects and wild animals like spiders or snakes so if one of those animals were under my Bed I would pick up my things and I would move out.

I dared to peek under the bed and I was surprised to find a black flannel next to my laptop, I put it out and I was shocked when the smell hit my like a wrecking ball.

'' So this is where the smell was coming from''

I smelled the flannel and I closed my eyes in delight. This flannel probably fell on the floor when I was undressing Bernard yesterday night. I forgot about everything else and I sat on my bed looking myself in the mirror, the amount of dirty thoughts were clouding the rational thoughts and my head was a mess right now. I've never been in a relationship but that does not mean I don't know how babies are made.

What's going on Monse? What are you thinking?

I forgot about working and I decided to take a shower to clear up my mind.

Let's just say it did not work. Furiously I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes to find peter pan in never land. I did not know when but finally I met up with him as I felt myself loosing consciousness.

Two days later

This past two days Matt, Bernard and I have been working extra hours to be ready for the convention. We have to take an airplane tomorrow morning in order for us to be right on time for the first meet up; I already have my bags packed and ready to go, thanks to Bella who helped me.

The Project was ready to be presented, Matt did the 3D design  of the nano robots and thanks to that we were able to do the first experiment, everything went smoothly well  and we shouted out our " Eureka",  just skipping the part that you have to run away naked just like Archimedes did.

"Dr. Hernandez, the CEO wants us in his office right now."

The voice of Bernard reached my ears and I stopped the track of what I was doing and I looked at him.

Damn! Since the past two days I' ve have been feeling weird every time I have him near me, I  don't know what it is but for sure he makes my blood run faster and faster just with one look. Today he was devilish, wearing a black turtle cloak as November has passed and December was already ruining the good weather with cold breeze and snow everywhere.

"Yes, I'm coming. "I said unbuttoning my white coat and hanging it on the rack next to the door. "Do you have any idea what he wants to talk with us? Where is Matt?"

He laughed and I was lost.

"Matt is already there waiting for us and the meeting will probably be to talk about the convention, don't be scared you have nothing to worry about" he said this changing his tone from normal to dark and I looked at him to see his facial expression but he was already walking out the door.

I followed him and we took the same hallway as last time; we reached the scary door one more time but instead of passing through it he made a turn and opened another door I have not seen before, we were inside a fancy office and I saw Matt seated in one of the three chairs in front of the big mahogany desk. The CEO was looking the city through the big Windows giving us a clear view of his back. Bernard cleared his throat soundly and they both turned their faces.

The CEO nodded slightly and we approached to the chairs and seated waiting for him to speak. I peeked at Bernard and as well as the last time they meet up his jawbone was tightly closed and I could feel his wrath raising, not understanding what was going on I dared to touch his hand, as if I threw him a big tub full of ice he turned his head quickly looking at me angrily, but this time I did not back up or looked down, I gave him a question look but he immediately smile and shook his head.

Matt who was next to me made a sign who he thought I did not see, like telling him to calm down? I was in the dark but I forgot about it as soon as the CEO started talking.

"I have to say I'm quite surprised with the effort you have put in this Project, Rostchild Labs is proud to have employees like you. Tomorrow you will be representing us at the convention and I know the future of our company is in your hands.

The silence fell on the room like a thick fabric, I saw Matt looking at the ceiling and playing with his hands like nothing was happening; I looked to my left and I saw Bernard tensed as a guitar string.

The CEO kept talking but my mind was trying to find the missing piece of the puzzle, but I could not.

"Thank you so much for your time, now you are dismissed."

I stood up and started walking behind Matt but I Heard the voice of the CEO telling me to stay. Matt and Bernard stopped their tracks, they turned and instantly Bernard was next to me.

"Why do you want her to stay?"I was surprised of the tone he used, he was disrespecting him and he was the CEO, I was scared that he might lose his job.

"Nothing you need to know, please can you leave us alone?" I shivered when he answered him in the same tone, this was not good.

"What are you doing?" I spoke softly looking at Bernard "Please leave."

He looked at me and I saw a whirl of emotions, but the one who scared me the most was worried.

Why? I wanted to ask but this was not the moment to ask questions.

Matt pulled him out of the door and they closed it behind them, I prepared myself even though I did not know why but I felt an uneasy feeling ; I did not know what was happening between the three of them but I would find out eventually.

I looked at the CEO and he was looking at me like a predator looks at his prey.


Hey guys ! Here's the double update as we promised

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