Chapter 4

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As we made our way to the lab, again Dr. Bérnard and I were walking walking side by side. The tension could've been cut with a knive and I was feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

After the presentation Dr. Bernárd didn't say a word, my thoughts were wandering around millions of possibilities and all of them weren't good, like we did great there, we worked as a team and it end pretty well.

So for the sake of all goddess I know, why was he acting like this?

"Can you please tell me what did I do wrong?" I asked shyly looking at him.

He looked at me surprised.

"What are you talking about? "he said sharply looking away.

He walked faster than before and left me behind without a response.

I sighed as I finally stepped out of the long hallway.

I looked at my wristwatch and it was one o'clock already so I decided to have lunch and give myself a time to think about this situation.

I pushed the number 1 once I was inside of the lift.

As I made my way out of the lift when it reached the first floor I bumped into someone, I just mummured a quickly'' sorry'' and made my way out of the building. My mind was tired and my stomach was making weird noises.

I looked around trying to find a place to eat, across the street there was a little cafeteria so I walked through the busy street and got inside.

The little cafeteria was literally empty just a few customers were seating a few tables away from the spot I was right now. I chose a table in the farest corner but near the window.

A girl with a black skirt and a baby pink blouse came and I ordered a big service of french fries and some chicken nuggets. When she left I allowed myself to look around, this cafeteria was not big but the decoration was lovely; the walls were painted in a peach color and each table had a beautiful lace cloth and on top of it a baby blue vase full of blue tulips, for the smell coming from them I knew they were fresh, I fell in love with the place immediately.

It was simple and I was fascinated.

As I waited for my order I started thinking about this whole thing and I decided that maybe Dr. Bernárd was jealous. I did not meant to bring all the attention to me at the presentation, he was the one who handed me the control; I was thinking that I would just be there listening but no he had the great idea of putting me in the middle of the storm and I was drowing without a hand to help me.

So now he is mad at me because they clapped.

My food came and I decided to forget about the Dr. Bernárd, it was not worth it.

I took a french fry and put it inside my mouth .

I closed my eyes in delight and moaned a Little bit.

"I had the same reaction as you the first time I tasted them." a girly voice reached my ears.

I opened my eyes and blushed a little bit for being caught extra tasting my food.

In front of me was standing a girl with a white robe carring a plate full of food and a sprite in her hands. She was not tall at all and the length of the robe did not help her to look grown. Her baby blue eyes were big and her ginger hair was cut in a long bob that reached her shoulders.

She was smiling and I noticed some freckles in her nose, she looked like a little girl.

"Can I sit with you? The restaurant is empty and I don't like to eat alone."she asked smiling.

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