Chapter 3

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We did not leave the floor, we walked down a long hallway next to a lift that I did not notice before.

I followed him in silence and we reached a mahogany door. He opened it and right after we passed the door another long hallway came to my sight , it was plain and lifeless with no decoration at all, not even paintings hanging on the walls, just white walls.
He kept walking until we got into a little space at the end of it, immediately what caught my attention was not the space itself but the huge door in front of me. I looked at it and I did not know how to feel about it. This door had weird designs all over it, death figures, mythology goddess killing humans, beheaded people and a lot of stranger things, but in some way it looked elegant.

Dr. Bèrnard  knocked the door and after a few seconds it was pulled back by a man from the other side.
My eyes were set on the person I had in front of me, he was tall like Dr. Bérnard and his hair was a grey degradation mixed with some black hair and this told me that he was probably in his 60's. His nose was not big nor tiny so all himself was not ugly but neither a perfect Greek god, what really caught my attention was his eyes, they were different one from the other, one  hazel like Dr. Bérnard's and the other was blue like the Caribbean ocean in summer. I knew was something genetic but I didn't remember the name at the moment, I think it was Heterochromia but I was not sure.

Dr. Bérnard and the man were looking at each other and I felt some tension between the both of them.

Hmm. I don't know what is going on here, but I slightly cough to break the tension. He changed the direction of his glance and a small smile appeared on his face when he noticed me.

-You must be Dr. Hernández right? - he said. with a smirk on his lips.

- Good morning sir, you are correct my name is Monserrat Hernandez and I am the new scientist, it is my pleasure to meet you- I said extending my hand to shake his.

- It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Hernández, welcome to my company. My name is Lester Rostchlid.- he said shaking my hand.

He moved from the doorframe and we got in.

Now that I'm inside, I understood why there were no decorations outside, they moved it inside of this room. This room was created to please a king. The long table was made with a sophisticated design, pretty similar to the creepy one in the door. From the ceiling there was this huge chandelier hanging, it looked like tears falling down, it was precious. The whole thing looked like it was cut from a posh magazine and was just put in there.

My eyes fell on Dr. Bérnard's face and I noticed he was uncomfortable there, like a fish out of the water. There was something going on here, but it was not my place to start pushing buttoms in where I was not invited. I pushed the thought at the back of my mind and proceeded to follow the tall man into another door a few steps away from the spot I was.

The other room was not decorated like the one we left behind, but this one had a huge table in the middle of it in which 5 men were seated already with fancy tuxedos.

¡ Oh crap, this is it ¡

I stopped and waited for someone to tell what should I do, like come on I'm the new one here. Dr. Bérnard gave me this weird sign but I completely understood that he needed me by his side in order to start the presentation. I quickly stood behind him, not wanting to interrupt everything before it started.

- Shall we start? - he said in a tense tone.

The room went silent and with a click from a remote control that I did not know from where he grabbed it, the lights went off. Immediately the projector did the work and popped something in the screen. The first slide was a little model of the nano robot in 3D, I noticed it was the same thing that I read yesterday but a little more elaborated.

So my mind started wandering and I lost sense of the space and time, suddenly a hand was moved in front of my eyes and I shook my head a little bit to recover myself for the trip to wonderland.

- You zoned  out - I looked at Dr. Bérnard and he was handing me the little device he had in his hand before, my eyes grew wide as I realized what this implied for me.

He wanted me to finish the presentation.

My hands started shaking like if they were dancing Samba. I tied them behind my back, this was not the time.

- Please go ahead and explain them what you told me already in the lab. - he handed me the control again and I grabbed it.

I nodded and moved myself towards the middle of the room.

I faced all the men that were in the room and I saw them looking at me with expectation.

I took a deep breath and started.
Going back and forward, passing through he slides I explained what I thought that could improve the project, at the beginning I was nervous but then I grew up confident and told them everything about the polymer cover the Nano robots needed to survive inside the human body to complete the mission that was simply, go to the damaged area and fixed the problem without causing any damage to the person. After what seemed to be an eternity I finished and the lights went on again.

I looked at the faces in front of me with terror, I did not know what to expect now.

Did I do it right?

I dared to glance at Dr. Bérnard and his face was emotionless.
What does that mean?

My anxiety was growing so fast and I could hear my heart beats. I looked down and remained like that until a single clap was heard in the room, I quickly looked up and saw Mr. Rostchlid clapping.

Yeah, he was clapping and a few seconds after all the men in the room followed him.

I put a shy smile on my face and moved myself near Dr. Bernárd who was still with an emotionless face.

- Mrs. Hernandez I want to congratulate you, for  your addiction to this company was perfect. Dr. Spence was not wrong when he told us you were needed here in order to finish this project. You're all dimissed.- he said walking towards the door and leaving.
I saw as all the men in the room including Dr. Bernárd went out and I followed them.

This was by far the best day of my life.


Hey guys ! So this is the 3rd chapter !

Hope you like it

Sorry for the late update

Next chapter will be up next sunday hopefully

Enjoy !!!

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