Chapter Twenty-Two

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Prophecy of the Flame - Copyright 2011 by Lynn Hardy

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Reba, I am delighted you have recovered enough to join me.” The honest caring the princess exudes is a soothing balm to my wounded pride. “How are you feeling?” She’s related to Alex?

“Thanks to Jamison, I feel almost back to normal.” At the mention of his name, I get a rush of intense passion laced with a warm fuzziness.

We sit down to lunch, and I broach a new topic. “Rose, it’s obvious, at least to me, how you and Jamison feel toward each other. Part of me is happy, but I’m also worried about the eventual pain any type of relationship is bound to bring.”

“He feels the same?” Her surprise isn’t as great as Jamison’s, but the overwhelming happiness it brings is a mirror image of the physician’s response. “I expected as much. I am touched by your concern; however, I hope you will not be offended when I do not heed it.”

Stunned by her frankness, it takes me a few minutes to reply. “I understand your position. We have a saying.” Raising my glass for a toast, I plagiarize shamelessly. “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’ I wish you both the best, until duty separates you.”

After a gulp of agreement, Rose sets her glass on the table. She gives a slight nod of her head, as if acknowledging something. “I love both my brothers; however, I feel I should give you counsel in return for your thoughtfulness.”

My mind races through possible revelations. I wait for her to continue while she chews a bite of meat. “Jamison has told me about the ways of love and marriage on your world. Our ways differ greatly. It is expected that you will marry Alex. If it should come to pass, no matter what promises he gives, I do not believe Alex has the capacity for monogamy. Do not trust him with your heart, no matter what he pledges.”

“Thank you, Rose. I will keep your words firmly in mind.” I respond to her support even if the information is unneeded. “Hopefully the issue will never arise.”

The rest of our lunch passes too swiftly. When I leave for my chambers, she goes to the Healers Consortium. Being unable to cast even a minor spell leaves me with little to do but organize supplies and create the enchantments I will need. Surprisingly, these activities take the rest of the evening.

“Yes, Milady Archmage Reba.” William bows as I finish listing tomorrow’s duties. Why do I still sense trepidation?

“Yes, Milady Archmage Reba.” On his second day, Keth’s mimicking William’s behavior perfectly. A quick study. I’ll have to talk to Merithin about his training. I don’t even know at what age the gift is supposed to appear.

A knock sounds on the outer door. My newest page moves to answer it, beating William to the punch. When Szames enters, both boys bow before taking their leave.

“I wondered what was keeping Alex’s other page so busy. How are you finding his services?” Szames ushers me toward the dining room table.

“Alex’s page?” I am blindsided by the revelation.

“You mean he failed to disclose where he received his training? Who assigned him to you?” Szames’s bewildered tone changes to disgust as he enlightens me. “Like father like son, I suppose. William is Duke Rokroa’s son. The duke is a complete boor but is also one of Father’s most loyal subjects. What is said in his presence might as well be whispered in Father’s ear.”

“Szames, you have solved a riddle that has plagued me since William’s arrival. A sense of fear shadows the child. I think he’s been terrified I’ll discover he is reporting to your brother.” Chuckling at the thought of someone fearing me, Szames and I exchange knowing smiles.

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