Chapter Twenty-One

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Prophecy of the Flame - Copyright 2011 by Lynn Hardy

Chapter Twenty-One

“Szames, I’m sorry I’m late.” I smile at the towheaded prince. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

“I arrived moments ago.” He smiles back. “I have only just now located the stones.”

Less than a quarter-mark later, we have completed the needed enchantments, giving the new paladin stones to the waiting page. I wish dealing with Alex was this easy.

“Thank you.” My curiosity about the differences in the two brothers gets the best of me. “You enjoy dealing with the arcane?”

“Typically, anyone unable to cast a minor spell has never been allowed to participate in anything of a magical nature.” His deep voice is so unlike Jerik’s, smooth where the dwarf’s is gravelly, yet something in it strikes me as familiar. “When I was a child, they told me there was a strong possibility I would become an apprentice. For this reason, I was allowed to study the history of magic with Merithin. It fascinated me more than the rest of my studies combined.”

“Did you ever study the language of magic or spells?” How much security do we really have?

“Unfortunately, no. I did not develop the gift, so my father called a halt to my studies. He insisted I concentrate on military research since I would be assuming the post of general of our armed forces.” Szames shifts topics. “Speaking of duties, have you received a copy of the supply list I had sent to you?”

A frown creases my forehead. “Is there something in particular for which I should be looking?”

“Your idea of pooling resources was brilliant. But with the additions to the Healers’ Consortium and the army, even the increased provisions will not last more than a day or two.” He seems surprised at my lack of knowledge of such routine matters. “I was thinking: if you had the available energy, could you use a duplication spell on some of the staples?”

“A duplication spell for the food we will need. . . Szames, that’s a great idea. If you’ve got a list of the shops supplying us, I will make a run by them tomorrow night.” Am I wrong about him? Sure he’s big and brawny like a jock, but he’s resourceful, intelligent, and almost studious.

“Milady Reba, I will take my leave now unless you have other errands?” Yivgeni interjects. “May I accompany you on the morrow?”

“Sounds good. Meet me at the stables at evening bells.” I turn to Szames. “I’ve really got to be going. There’s an experiment I want to conduct before I lose daylight.”

“Another spell? If you would like some assistance, I am free for the moment.”

“To tell you the truth, I could use the help. I must warn you, though, my last attempt didn’t go so well.” I frown with the memory of the failure. “I’m not sure what the outcome will be.”

“A work in progress? It sounds incredibly intriguing.” Szames is undaunted.

“Perhaps, but if the spell fails, it could prove to be dangerous.”

“All the more reason I should be there. If there is an issue of safety, you may need my aid.” His valiant protectiveness is touching, if unnecessary.

Grasping his hand, I lift us into the air, drawing most of the needed energy from him. The sun colors the horizon with brilliant shades of pink. I take us up higher than needed, wanting to get a look at the gorgeous sunset. The blue river shimmers where the light glints off its rippled surface. The sand collectors are starting back to the castle. The forest to the north is dark and forbidding.

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