Annabelle: " He told me to tell you he can't make it."

"But master never misses celebrating my birthday."

Annabelle: "I'm sorry Winnie, but he is a busy man, be glad you have so many gifts from him this year."

"I don't care about the gifts mother. He never misses my birthday."

I sigh in frustration sitting in a chair near my room window. The window overlooks the castle's garden and lake. The scenery calms me as I twirl a single piece of hair around my finger.

Annabelle: "Are you going to open the gifts?"

I shake my head no, lost in thought. A delicate hand touches my shoulder lightly. I glance up at my mother, as she smiles down at me."

Annabelle: "You are a woman now Winnie. It is time to move on from your feelings for that man."

"I don't...."

Annabelle: "I was young once too. You are in love, but he will never truly love you. Xael is a werewolf. He may have the appearance of a twenty year old for most of his life, but he is much older. I know that he provides for us, more than he should, but you will always be a slave to him. You need to find a man your age, who can take you away from here. You won't stay here forever I promise you that."

"I could never leave."

Annabelle: "You aren't a slave. You were never bought. You were found. The law considers you a free human."

"I am!"

I stand up in shock, knocking the chair over. Mother nods silently before reaching to touch me."

"Don't touch me! All these years we could have left this place. You lied to me!"

Annabelle: "Winnie it is not that simple. In order for us to leave for good, we need papers signifying our freedom status. The papers in order to be official need to be signed by nobility or royalty.


Annabelle: "He won't sign them."

"That bastard!"

I run to my bedroom door running out of it to a place where I know him to be. Pounding on the door I wait for no reply as I force the door open with anger. Startled I continue to make my way to him, until I am inches away. Raising my right hand it swiftly connects to his cheek. Tears streaming down my face he quickly puts his hand around my neck, squeezing gently.

Xael: "Explain yourself Winnie! Why did you slap me!"

His voice is rough and deep, but his eyes remain tranquil.

"You lied to me."

Xael: "I do not understand."

"You said I was a slave. Under Zeonia law I am free."

Xael: "Who told you this! Was it that old woman."

He lets go of my neck, sitting back down to calm himself.

"That old woman is my mother and it shouldn't matter who told me. You lied and you won't let my mother be free. You are a cold hearted bastard."

Xael: "You tread lightly with your words little girl, before I show you how cruel I can be."

"I am a woman now Xael. Your threats don't scare me. I want to know why you keep us here."

He stands up again eyes darker than before. He moves closer to my face. His breath tickling my neck.

Xael: "Do you really think you would be able to survive out there without me? I put clothes on your back Winnie. I feed you. Give you gifts. Give you shelter. If it wasn't for me you would die out there. Your mother isn't making enough money for you both to survive."

"Whose fault is that!"

Xael: "Don't you sass me!"

"I hate you!"

I go to slap him again, only for his hands to wrap around my wrists. Pulling me close his lips touch mine forcibly. Struggling a bit it doesn't take long before I give into kiss as he lets go of my wrists. Wrapping my arms around his neck he holds me tight, as we soon break apart for air.

Xael: "Stay still."


A little confused on all that is happening between us, a shooting pain erupts within me.

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