Chapter 8

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(Any one else have Hiccstrid as the most popular shipping they have seen)


"Hey I'm Snotlout" said Snotlout trying to flirt with Heather. "Nice, I'm Heather" said Heather. "So is she from the future two" asked Fishlegs. "Ya, I still don't know why we are here" I said. "Maybe it was that sourcerer. I mean he did give us both a cookie after we explained everything" said Heather. "Ya, but why would he send us just like that. Usually there has to be something in it for them" I said. I mean it is that way in movies. "Maybe we are meant to be here" said Heather. "I hope so" I said. "Anyway why don't we give Heather a tour of Berk" said Hiccup. "Come on babe you can ride with me" said Snotlout. "I think I'll ride with Astrid on Stormfly. Thanks anyway" said Heather. She didn't really mean the thanks part. Snotlout mumbled something and got on his dragon. I got on Stormfly and helped Heather up. We took off and flew off around the village. We told Heather which building was which. We landed at the great hall. 

"BROTHER AND HEATHER" a guy yelled happily. "Dagur" said Hiccup. The guy I assume is Dagur walked up to us. "So what's up" asked Heather. "I found out that you are my sister" said Dagur. We all froze. "What" asked Heather. "How did he do that" asked Tuffnut. "You drop this on the ship" said Dagur. He held up a horn. Heather carries that thing every where. "I took it to Stoick and he said that he gave this to the daughter of the Berserker chief" said Dagur. "Your dad is the chief" I asked. "I guess" said Heather. "So does that mean Astrid has a family here" asked Snotlout. "Maybe" I said. "I would say so I mean Astrids family is all black hair and brown hair with brown eyes" said Heather. This was starting to get crazy. "Hey why don't we go have some best friend time" said Heather. "Sounds great" I said. Heather and I left and went to the woods. I am actually glad we are able to read each other.

"This is so messed up" said Heather. "Ya" I said. "That guy is my brother" asked Heather. "I kinda wounder who my family is" I said. "But if that's true then why did we grow up in the future" asked Heather. "I don't know" I said. "Maybe we should go back. I'm getting hungry" said Heather. "Me two, I hope they have something we have seen before to eat" I said. "Like chicken or fish" said Heather. "Ya, which way is the great hall" I asked. "I don't know, I thought you know where we are going" said Heather. "Great, so now we are lost" I said sarcastically. "Come on. I think we came from that way" said Heather. We started walking. It started to get dark. I slipped. "ASTRID" Heather yelled. "I'm fine" I said hanging on to the cliff. I tried to pull my self back up. Heather helped. I felt my arm pop out of it's socket. Not good. I made it safely back to the ground. "You okay" asked Heather. "I'm fine, I think I dislocated my shoulder" I said. "Sorry" said Heather. "It's okay, you stopped me from falling" I said. We continued walking. I honestly think we are lost. It started to get darker. "Let's set up camp her" said Heather. I got some fire wood and started a fire. Heather and I sat there. We heard a dragon land. "You should be at the village young lady" said Hiccup. 

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