Chapter 1

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My alarm went off. 'Ya school' I thought sarcastically. I signed and turned my alarm off. I got up and got dressed. I will wear a blue t-shirt with a grey sweatshirt and black pants. I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and did everything else. Most girls wear make up but I don't. I hate make up. I don't even paint my nails. I heard thunder. It's raining I guess. I signed and grabbed my phone. I kinda hate having a phone but now a days EVERYTHING is on phones, computers, etc. Even books are. Like what happened to grabbing a book and turning to pages and stead of swiping. Sure you may get a paper cut every now and then but still. Books don't need to charge. I grabbed my bag and went to school. I put my hood up. I made it and put everything in my locker. "Sup sweet thing" said a voice. I rolled my eyes. Andrew has been with every girl in the school. Now he is trying to impress me. I decided to ignore. 

"What, are you shy around this pure hotness" asked Andrew. I frowned and punched him. The halls went quiet. I got my stuff and went to class. I heard some girls whispering as I walked by. Not surprising. I made it and sat in the back row desk. Right now we had math. Once class started we were taking notes. I got a little board and decided to doodle a small picture. I usually do a simple picture like a heart or flower and then go back to notes. I drew a tree. I got distracted and drew a boy with flawless auburn hair, sparkling green eyes, one leg, (color shirt) and (pretty much how Hiccup looks in the version you are doing). I then drew myself sitting next to him looking over the horizon. I drew a dragon in the sky flying. I made myself look more viking ish. I smiled. "TEACHER AMBER IS DRAWING INSTEAD OF TAKING NOTES" yelled Marry. My sworn enemy. She was looking over my shoulder. The stopped writing and turned to face us. "Amber please let me see your journal" asked the teacher. (Yes I gave her a modern name but she changes it to Astrid later on in the book). 

I signed and brought up my book. My teacher flipped threw it. I pretty much have a sketch on every page with some pretty good notes. In my opinion I shouldn't get in trouble cause I'm still taking notes and I bet the kids in this room have sketches in their journals. My teacher stopped on the last page. He turned the journal so I can see it. "Can you explain this picture for me" asked the teacher. "That's me and a boy as vikings sitting under a tree" I said. "Why would we be vikings" asked Andrew. I frowned and turned to him. "IT'S NOT YOU MUTTON HEAD. HICCUP IS TEN TIMES CUTER THEN YOU AND HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE YOU" I yelled. "Wait Hiccup" asked Marry laughing. The whole class laughed. I frowned and took my journal from the teacher. He was trying to calm the class down. I left the room and slammed the door. I went to the girls bathroom. I started ripping out some pages making sure I don't need the notes anymore. I ripped out the one of me and Hiccup. I couldn't through it in the toilet. I crumbled it up. I still couldn't throw it. I signed and put it in my pocket. 

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