Jake Gyllenhaal: The Love Affair

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February 13th

You walk into your Creative Writing English class at the university you go to. It feels a bit wired being here, you missed almost a month of class.

You sit a few rows not to far from the front and sit your books and backpack down. You floof your hair and take out your notebooks. A few minutes later the class fills up and in walks Professor Gyllenhaal. As he walks down the stairs he notices you and nods his head acknowledging you. He walks up to his desk and sets his stuff down. He clears his throat and begins the class.

"Good afternoon everyone! Also welcome back Y/N glad to see that you'll be joining us again." He said in a stern voice. "Before we start don't forget your 'Children's Book' assignment is due tomorrow. If any of you have it today I'll read it and give it back to you tomorrow." He announced.

Once class officially starts Professor  Gyllenhaal lectures about how to structure a story, build suspense, and horror. He also assigns your final which is a short story of whatever you choose, wether it be romance, horror, sy-fy, even demons.

After an hour and 30 minutes of class is dismissed. Since your children's book assignment was finished you turn it into the Professor.

"Oh hey Y/N, I told you you didn't have to do the assignment. I excused you." He said with a sweet smile on his face.

"I know, but writing helps clear my mind...so here." You hand the paper to
him. Professor Gyllenhaal takes the paper and looks at it.

"I'll look at it later tonight and I'll give you full credit since you decided to do it anyway." He smiled. You nod you head then look down at the ground. Professor Gyllenhaal looks around the now empty classroom.

Professor Gyllenhaal takes hold of your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. He lifts his hand up to his lips and kisses it softly, you look up and you both make eye contact.

"I missed you Y/N." Professor Gyllenhaal said softly. "Are you okay?" He added.

"Not really, everything is still pretty shitty so...yeah." You pouted.

"How about you spend the night at my place tonight? To help get your mind off of things." He said softly. You shrug your shoulders.

"Sure what time do you want me to come over?"

"Whenever you want, you know my schedule." You nod you head.

"Okay. I'll see you later Jake." You pouted. As you turn to leave Jake pulls you back in and wraps his arms around you. He gazes into your eyes and kisses your lips with passion. You hold onto his shirt, you can feel your heart ready to jump out of your chest. Jake pulls away and gazes back into your eyes.

"I love you, you know that right?" You nod your head. "I'll see you later okay?" Jake said softly. You show a small smile.

"I love you too." A wide smiles appears on Jakes face.

"I missed hearing you say those words." He smiled brightly. You smile more and peck him on his lips. He lets go of you as you start to walk away.

"Careful now, don't want to get caught now do you?" You teased.

"It be easier if you weren't so beautiful." Jake smiled. You roll your eyes and exit the classroom. Jake just sits there with a smile on his face as you strut out of the classroom.

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