Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Where do we go from Here?

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Back at it again

You two just stand there inches away from each other. You try to think about what just happened. You glance back down at his lips then back into his eyes. He caresses your cheek and slowly leans back in, his phone goes off. You let go of him and answers his phone.

"Hello?" "Hey Penny." "Im out celebrating a friends birthday, I'll be home later." "Alrigt bye, you too." Jeffery hang up the phone and sighs.

"You should probably go." You said. Jeffery looks up at you and pouts.

"...Y/N I'm...I don't know what...shit." Jeffery can't explain himself.

"Just...go please. I just..." You hold your head and sigh. Jeffery runs his fingers through his hair and nods his head.

"Okay...Alright." Jeffery grabs his keys and wallet and slumps out of the house. You sit down in the chair holding your head trying to figure out what just happened.

2 weeks later

As you lay down in your bed ready to for bed your phone goes off. It's Jeffery, you haven't heard from him since you two kissed. You hesitate to answer but you press answer anyway.

"...h-hello?" You said softly.

"'s me. Can-how are you?" He asked.

"Im okay." You said softly.

"Can we talk in person? Maybe sometime tomorrow?" He said in a sad tone.

"That be nice."

"Do you wanna meet up in town or someplace?" He asked. You think for a moment. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking. I was gonna go to that donut cafe in town. We can meet there."

"What time?"

"I planned on being there around 10 in the morning, how about that?" You asked.

"Yeah...I'll see you in the morning." You nod your head.

"You too." You hang up your phone and let out a huge sigh.


The next you hear your phone go off. You jolt awake and grab your phone. Your phone reads 11:37 am and a text message from Jeffery.

"Hey just woke up and I'm getting ready right now, I'll be there around 12:30 so no rush."

"Shit...we both slept in." You yawn and stretch out his arms. "Today should be interesting." You drag yourself out of bed and waddle into your bathroom. As you look at yourself in the mirror and noticed you're still wearing the necklace that Jeffery gave you. You fiddle with it and sigh. You turn on your shower and continue to get ready.

Once you're ready you throw on some cute sweats and drive over to the Donut cafe. You park your car walk strut inside. You look around trying to see if you see Jeffery. You don't see him so you proceed to the register to order a delicious pastry.

"Hi can I get two chocolate glazed donuts please." You asked.

"That'll be $1.45." The lady smiled. Before you could reach for your wallet someone comes up behind you with a card in their hand. You look behind you and it's Jeffery. Your stomach feels as if a zoo was on a rampage.

"I got it, can I also have a bear claw and a double espresso please?" Jeffery asked.  The lady takes the card and swipes it. "Do want to go find us a table while I grab the donuts?" You nod your head and sit down in a booth. Before you could collect your thoughts Jeffery sits in front of you with coffee and donuts.

"Hey." He said. You nod your head.

"Hi." There's an awkward between you

"You're wearing the necklace still." Jeffery said.

"...yeah." The awkward silence returns.

"How are you?" He asked. He takes a sip of his espresso.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed with everything. You?"

"Anxious and stressed out. Listen Y/N about what happened..." Jeffery stops talking.

"Did you tell your fiancé?" You asked. Jeffery sighs and looks down at his espresso. Before he speaks he looks back into your eyes.

"I did...she packed up her stuff and left. I tried talking to her and she said don't bother. She already knew."

"Already knew what?" You take a bite out of your donut.

"How I feel about you." You gulp down your donut and pat on your chest.


"I've had feelings for you for a while now. I always thought you were talented and beautiful and smart." Your heart begins to race. You collect your thoughts before you say anything.

"Jeffery...why didn't you tell me this sooner?" You asked. Jeffery sighs and shrugs his shoulders.

"A number of reasons. The age difference, I didn't think you'd feel the same way, maybe you'd want someone your own age." He frowned. You reach out and hold onto Jeffery's hand.

"Jeffery we've know each other for a long time. You know I don't care about what age I date. As long as he's not on the brink of death, but that's a different story. Also I always your were very attractive and cute and stuff." A small smile appears on Jeffery's face. He chuckles and holds onto your hand.

"Thank you."

"Can I ask you something Jeffery?" You asked. He nods his head.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Why did you kiss me? I know you said because you said you have feelings for me, but what made you think it's now or never?"

"You were in my arms and we were alone. You looked so beautiful and happy and seeing you smile just makes me melt inside. I know it was wrong at the time, but that moment felt so right. I felt...happy. That's how I felt how did you feel?"

"Surprised and happy. When you held me in your arms and looked at me with those...sparking brown eyes of yours. And when our lips touch...I won't lie it felt amazing." You smiled. Jeffery flashes that million dollar smile and lifts your hand up to his lips. He gently kisses your warm hand then looks back into your dazzling eyes.

"Would you want to be with me? Regardless of the age?" Jeffery asked still holding your hand.

"Of course, like I said I wouldn't have a problem with it. As long as you treat me right and care about me and don't be an asshole then we should be fine." Before you knew Jeffery's lips were smashed into yours, you caress his cheeks and smile through the kiss. You away and giggle. "Slow down buddy boy." You said softly.

"You said of course. I got a little excited." He winked. "So where do we go from here?" You shrug your shoulders and smirk.

"How about you take me out to dinner and we'll see how that plays out?"

"You just want me to pay for In N Out, don't you?"

" know me too well." Jeffery laughs and sighs.

"After all the trouble and what not I've been going through I'm glad I kissed you." You kiss Jeffery on his sweet lips one last time.

"I'm glad you kissed me too."

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