Jeffrey Dean Morgan: What Just Happened

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You and Jeffery have known each other for about 5 years now you guys met during a TV you were doing. (Jeffery was acting and you were the writer/ director of the show) the show ran for 4 seasons and during that time you and Jeffery became good friends. After the show ended you guys stayed in touch but for about a month you two had stopped talking due to you both being very busy.

Right now you just got back from you're driving home from a long days work with other writers when you pull into your drive way and see a strange figure sitting on your porch. You sigh in frustration.

"If this is some crazed fan im gonna lose it." You pull out your mace and push open the door. "Look here asshole you can't be lounging...Jeffery?" You questioned.

"Hey Y/N long time no see." He smiled.

"What...why are you here?"

"You'd think I was gonna miss my best friends birthday then shame on you. Are you holding mace?" You put your mace away and laugh in nervously.

"I though you were some creep or stalker so...yeah." Jeffery shakes his head and chuckles. You notice a big bag on the floor with flowers sticking out.

"Oh how I missed you and your silly ways." I smack his arm.

"Whatever what's in the bag?" Jeffery bends down and picks it up.

"Inside here is your little birthday in a bag from me, Jeffery, you're handsomest friend. Also yes there is Cake in here." He winked. You dash past Jeffery and start to unlock your front door.

"Well what are we standing around here for?" He follows behind you and shuts the door. You throw your shoes off and turn on the lights reveling your beautiful yet nerdy home. You hear Jeffery chuckling.

"Oh wow did you get even more of a nerd since the last time I've been here?" Jeffery asked.

"Don't judge me and my love for fandoms okay?" You two walk into the kitchen and he sits the bag down on the counter. You quickly set the table while Jeffery unpacks the bag.

"Can I look at my cake?" You asked. Jeffery shakes his head and clicks his tongue.

"Nope you wait until after we eat this frozen pizza with chocolate chip cookies on the side." He said. You place your hands over your heart.

"You got me cookies too?" Jeffery laughs.

"I knew I picked a good one." He smiled.

Jeffery turns on the oven once the oven had reach it cooking temperature Jeffery pops in the oven. 25 minutes later you two are chowing down on pizza while the cookies are cooking.

"Thank you so, so, sooooo much for surprising me today."

"Anytime I do apologize for not keep up with you I've been really busy lately."

"I have too. If it helps you got me pizza so all is forgiven." Jeffery smiles and take a bite out of his pizza.

"Anytime." The timer beeps. You stand up and grab a oven mitt and pulls out the cookies and set them down on the oven top.

"Can we have cake now?" You pouted. Jeffery laughs and stands up.

"Sure anything for the birthday girl." He brings the box and sets it on the table. "You'll love the cake it's pretty awesome. If I do say so myself." Jeffery opens the box and reveals a white cake with fake "blood" all over it and on top is a tiny Negan action figure with the cast of the Walking Dead around him.

"Dude this is amazing, thank you Jeffery." You wrap your arms around Jeffery he smiles and pats you on the head.

"Anything for you Y/N. I forgot the candles back at my house. They said over the hill so you're in luck." He teased.

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