8 : 00

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eight o' clock.

new york, aspyns apartment, sunday morning.


dear aspyn, 

i know this sounds crazy, and i know it affects you. but i cant stay with you anymore, i cant stay there, it... it doesnt help. sure, the insomnia's worn off both of us, for now, but its creeping up. i can see it in you as much as its obvious on me.

im starting to fall for you aspyn, and thats not good.

loves my weakness, my drug, the coffee that keeps me up at night.

and i cant do it anymore.

so im leaving. for good. im not sure where yet, and im not sure where to. or for how long or what i plan on doing for a living or for money. but i am sure as hell not going back, so i have to do it to you. im sorry.

goodbye aspyn.


liam harvard.


and the story ends. two star crossed people from two different parts, their lines intersect and cross over multiple times, but in the end. loving each other is ripping them to shreds. so they part goodbye and hail the night sky.

the stars. the moon. and the endless void. thats all they have and all they need.



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