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(n.) fear of failure; fear of not being good enough.
aspyn whispered the words gently, reading each line carefully, it wasn't that the book had a good plot line or a reader grabbing story, it was about insomnia, and how to over come it.

the fact that her mother thought reading it would make her sleep at night made her irritated. its written by a very famous author, slash health practitioner, she knows what shes talking about. read it, it will help you.

how can she know what shes talking about if she has never been through it? You can only imagine what it is.. you cant put a label on it and define it, yes, its insomnia, it affects three million people in the united states of america, it included her, aspyn, but it could not be cured, she had been an insomniac since age twelve, she liked it, made her different, helped bond with the stars.


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