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liam pulled back, what the hell was he doing?
he tried to remember what had led to him being here on her bed at eleven thirty at night, her voice filled his head and his mind clouded over, "liam, whats wrong?"

he looked at her, her red hair framed her porcelain face perfectly, liam smiled to himself quietly when he saw her lipstick smudged and traces of it on her body. "jess, if anything, its you..." he pushed himself off of her and took his clothes and walked out the room, the cold midnight air hit him like a pile of bricks. his planhad responded perfectly, she thought he liked her again, and she still did.

now all he had to do different this time, is leave the broken heart behind and not leave with it.

Insomniac | 💤Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora