"Ew. I didn't know you could be so cheesy."

"I know right."

He sat beside me. I took out the sandwiches I made and handed him one. We munched on it while looking up at the starry sky. 

"You know that thing I said earlier,", he said. "About you not caring much about me? Well, now I realize you actually do." He grinned. "Thanks."

"Yeah, well I only care about the people I find important.", I said.

"So I'm important to you?"

"Do I have to say it? You are. You're important." He giggled, then. "Well, you're only second to mom, but still."

"Ehh~ I don't mind. As long as I'm one of those people." He slipped his hand to mine. "'Cause you are an important person to me, too." He lifted my hand to his lips. We stayed silent after that and continued to watch the sky.

I looked down at my phone. 11:59 PM. I pouted. "Hey, we only have a minute left of your birthday. What should we do?", I said.

"Hmm, give me my present.", he said.

"What are you saying? This is your present."

"Boo~ I'm not satisfied."

"Well, I'm sorry for lacking creativity. I thought you'd be okay with this."

"Eh, it's not bad. I mean, you were the one who did all this."

"So, what do you want?"

"It's already here." 

He took grab of my chin and lifted my face towards his. He smiled before leaning in. I closed my eyes, waiting for his lips. 

Once we've parted, I looked back at my phone. 12:02 AM. "Oh, it's your birthday now.", he said.

"Oh. I'm eighteen now.", I said. "Wow."

"You're basically an adult now."

"I know."


I nodded. "Wow."

He laughed. "Happy Birthday, Miyoung."

I cracked a smile. "Funny, how our birthdays are right next to each other."

"Just like we are now."

"Pfft, yeah. Just like we are now.", I repeated.

"Hey, someone told me that when lovers' birthdays are close to each other, it means they're meant to be."

I gave him a confused look. "Where'd you hear that from?"

He looked elsewhere. "Someone...", he mumbled.

I lightly hit his chest. "You made that up just now."

He chuckled. "Well, it wouldn't be bad to believe it. I believe in it, do you?"

I chuckled and rested my head on his shoulder. "I do if you do."

"Hey, sit here, would ya?" He patted his lap.

"On your lap?"


"But I'm heavy."

"Carrying you on my back is worse, and I've done that."

"So you do agree I'm heavy?"

"Better to be honest, right?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "At times like this, it's okay to lie."

"Oh, did I say you're heavy? I meant, you're light as a feather."

"Tch, whatever." I stood up to sit back down on his lap. He grunted when I did but acted as if he was coughing instead. I rolled my eyes once again.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. "You're just like a giant pillow."

"Well, if that means I'm huggable, then that's okay."

"Why don't we continue where we left off?"

"To where?"

"Me kissing you, if you don't mind."

"I'm not complaining."

"Then, good.", he said before kissing my lips again.

A/N: Happy Birthday SQUISHY HOSHI (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。

To Be With You | hoshiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora