I nod silently. Smiling brightly up at my mother. With one last glance at me she blows me a kiss before exiting out of my room. Grabbing my dolly off of my bed I use my step stool to get down. With my toy underneath my arm I run directly to the door left ajar for me to get out. Peeping my head out I see mother has disappeared.

"Rosie we need to find daddy."

Leaving my room I knock quietly on the large door directly next to mine. I wait patiently for the door to open.

"He isn't here Rosie. We should go to the study."

Trying not to get lost I cautiously go down the stone steps to the creepiest part of the castle. Noticing the gold lion at the top of the door I smile to myself.

"This is his study Rosie, we found the door."

I push on it, finding that it is open. I rush inside and push it shut.

" Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

Sprinting to his desk his eyes follow me around the room. Soon I'm in front of him, placing Rosie in his lap.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

"Winnie be quiet."

His tone is mean, a tone only used when he is angry. Tiny teardrop comes out of my eyes.

"Winnie stop the tears."

I weep harder. Setting Rosie on his desk he picks me up, placing my head on his chest. Stoking my hair, he tries his best to calm me down.

"Settle down Win, I'm not mad at you. "

"Why ..... why ...aren't you my daddy?"

I mumble in between sniffs and tears.

"I'm not your father Win. I found you as a baby. We've talked about this. You and I aren't related."

"But master in the storybooks all kids have two parents. I want two parents. "

Xael: "Winnie I can't give you that, I'm sorry, but I won't have you calling me your father. I am your master. You belong to me. You are my little Winnie, which is much better than being my daughter."

"It is?"

Xael: "Yes it is because you are special to me. Nobody knows it, but us. I care so much about you. You are my little princess and there is nothing wrong with just having a mother. Feel better."

I nod and smile as master wipes my face with a handkerchief. I suck on my thumb relaxing back into my master's arms. I grab a lock of his hair twirling around my finger as he continues to watch me.

Xael: "You want Rosie back or do you want the gift I have for you?"


I say quietly. Propping me up with one arm holding me he opens a large drawer to his desk. As soon as I see it my eyes light up and my smile gets bigger. Taking my finger out of my mouth I use both hands to grab it after it has been handed to me.

"She looks like me."

Xael: " I thought you could use another doll to add to your collection. I had her made to look like you."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

I hug the dolly tight before pecking him on the cheek.

Xael: "You put your baby slobber on me."

"I'm not a baby. I'm a big girl now. Mama told me."

Xael: Well big girls don't suck their thumbs.

I stare at the doll admiring her hair and outfit, completely forgetting about my other doll Rosie.

Xael: "Tell your mother not to cut your hair again or I will break her fingers."

"That's not nice."

Xael: "I'm not nice."

He holds me closer sniffing my hair quietly as I play with my new dolly.

"Why do you smell me?"

Xael: "It's hard to explain, maybe when you are older you will be able understand."

"I love you." I tell him.

Xael: "I love you to Winnie."

Coolness is felt radiating from my head as I hear words in my ears. Slowly opening my eyes I see mother softly stroking my hand while she holds it. Panicked I search around the room, finally comprehending that I am in the pack doctor's quarters, in a bed.


I croak out, mouth too parched to speak properly.

Annabelle: "Thank the lord you are awake."

"What happened?"

Annabelle: "How many times must I tell you to never stay out in the sun too long? You scared poor Zachary to death. He carried you to the doctor after you passed out in front of him. You've been unconscious for many hours."

Author's Note

Are these flashbacks trying to tell Winnie something? Like always please leave a comment and a vote. Thanks!

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