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    Our one week vacation is over and Tamz and i are finally gonna go back to school to begin another semester. I'm reluctant to leave cause of Dad,I know Thompson would take care of him but I still feel like he's gonna need me. It's been a really tough and rough week but I made it through okay.

"Hey Princess, I just remembered that you might loose your house by the time you get back." Dad said.

"Say what now?"

"When you got admitted,your Mom and I decided to pay your rent semester by semester so since this semester is over,no money to renew ,there's gonna be a problem."

Oh God!! When it rains it pours.

"No problem, sir. She can stay with me in the hostel. It's just me for now and there's an empty bed and wardrobe so she can stay with me and it's free." Tammy says.

Hostel????????please tell me I'm dreaming right now! Tell me this isn't happening!please.

"Are you sure?"dad ask.

"Positive ,Mr Yales." She responds with a smile. I guess I've got to adjust to a lot of things starting now.

"Uhmmm dad? I was thinking ,i think you should take my car. You need it more than I do besides if I'm gonna be staying in the hostel now, I'll have to walk to school cause it's not far."

"No,baby. It's your car. I'll be fine."

"No arguments ,dad. You need to get better and get on your feet again." I put my hand into my bag and bring out my credit card,handing it to him. "Here's my card,dad. There's still lots of money in there so use it and start over again. Invest in something or start another business, dad. Just like you did when you were much younger. When I get to school,I'll find a way to survive."

He has tears filled up in his eyes. Please dad don't cry. You'll break me if you cry. Please swallow them tears.

"Princess, I can't take it. How will you survive?how will you pay your fees?come on,be reasonable."

"Dad ,I'll survive. Fees aren't going to be paid until my second year so no worries. I'll find a way." I force the card into his hand. "I love you , please take care of yourself for me. Be strong and we'll be okay."

Tears drop from his eyes. I can't look at him...I quickly put on my dark shades and give him a peck on the cheek. Tammy is also hugging him and crying. My family's been reduced to nothing but I'm positive that we'll definitely rise again. Thompson puts our bags in the car,he'll drop us in school then return back with the car. I  squeeze Tommy so tight and get into the car. Waving dad, Tommy barks till we leave the compound.


Tammy and I didn't speak all through the journey till we got to my place. I've got few days till I have to leave the building so I better make the best of it. I had my bath,unpacked my things and was ready to sleep when Tammy climbs beside me and hugs me so tight,sniffing.......... She's so emotional.

"What's wrong now, Tamzies?" I joke.

"What you did for your dad, it's just so thoughtful and emotional. You truly are selfless."

I laugh. "Dude, I need him to make more money so I can go back to my normal life. It's called give and take."

She glares at me. "Quit trying to joke around, Amy. I'm being serious. What are we gonna do now? You're really broke."

"There's no 'we'. I'll sort this out myself."

She rolls her eyes at me. "We became a 'we' the moment you bumped into me your first day at school. We are no longer two people but one person. So tell me,what is the plan?"

That's the most emotional thing someone has ever told me. Oh my bestie!!!!! How can I ever pay you back? Just then, there was a knock on the door and Tammy goes to answer. She comes back with a smiling Tony.

"Hey,baby."he bends to give me a peck. "Heard you guys were back via instagram so I decided to drop by."

"Thanks. We just got back." I sigh.

"What's wrong? You don't look like the Amy I know."

Tammy proceeds to telling him everything that has happened so far with my approval of course. Tony sighs and hugs me. "So what do you plan on doing now?" He ask.

"I'm thinking of working. I'll go out to search for a job tomorrow then I'll start packing my things. The things that can't fit into Tammy's room in the hostel,I'll have to sell them and use the money to buy food items. I'm thinking of selling my laptop then some of my designer clothes,at least, it can help me with some money and I can also save for textbooks and next semester fees."

I've actually been thinking about these for some time. Why have all these expensive gadgets and clothes when I can sell them and save the money and also have some left for other expenses.

"You aren't use to this kinda life,bes. You've never worked a day in your life. Take a look at your fancy manicured nails,how will you ruin that." Tammy says.

"Not to worry,Luv. I've got an uncle that owns one of the diners close to the school main gate. I'm sure he will employ you immediately. I'll talk to him." Tony chips in.


"Yeah. And I can fill in for you in case you have extra classes or surprise test and stuff. We can make this work,Luv."

I throw my arms around his neck. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how grateful I am right now."

"Yeah yeah,we can make this work but you ain't selling your laptop. You need it for your research, heck!you are gonna be an author when we grad,you need it to draft your story and your blog? You need that laptop." Tammy interrupts our happy moment.

"You have a point. I'll sell my iPhone then.  It's an iPhone7 and it's too much for now so I'll sell it and buy a cheaper android." I wear the most fake biggest smile on my face.

Oh lord,please see me through this stage cause I don't know what I'm doing or what I'm gonna do.

The last thing I want is for my friends to get worried. Tony will call his uncle and everything will be okay. I can do night shifts and then during the day,I can go around,selling the stuffs and not too long from now,dad would get everything back and I'll be normal once again.

Courage, Mandy. Courage.

it's called being hurtOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora