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Tammy has been going on and on about how Nicholas is a jerk and how I should move on and forget about him. This is like 2 weeks after I was rejected by Nicholas and I haven't heard the end of it. Funny enough,I didn't cry and I don't think I'm going to. If he had just rejected me,I guess I'd have cried but giving those bizarre reasons he gave?he doesn't worth my tear.

Counting down to break cause I can't wait to see my family..and I need a change of environment and change of faces by that I mean Nicholas. Its not enough that he rejected me,now I have to see him everyday in school and act like I don't know him besides his bae 'Salome' is always with him and she keeps giving me this scowl but on my side,tony and Tammy are always with me so I don't feel lonely one bit and surprising enough,Tony and I have become so close. He really is a great person unlike that jerk and he apologized for the kiss,putting the blame on the alcohol.... I love my friends like for reals.

We have just a month left before we are released to go home for a week and i want to spend it well and have fun and be with my friends. Life is too short to worry about anything.

"Amanda" Tammy yells from the living room "Get ready,Tony is here and we are tired of waiting for you"

I roll my eyes and continue brushing my hair. Call me crazy but my Fav hairstyle is when my hair is parked in a messy bun. I love and rock that look. Putting on my red Chanel dress,I apply a black matte lipstick and put on my black boot wedge. I take my phone and some cash and head out to meet them in the living room. I put my phone and cash in Tammy's purse while they do a double take on my look.

"Wow!baby,we need to go to the club after dinner so Nich can see you looking smoking hot and rot in his guilt...I know you did all this for him."

Deep breath

"Your lack of fashion knowledge appalls me. I mean are you flipping kidding me?I don't dress to impress guys but I dress to impress other girls...I put a lot of attitude into my outfits so girls could go fall on themselves while staring at me."

She laughs and jokingly give me a punch on my shoulder. Tony holds my hand and we head out.

Sight seeing is so exhausting and boring...I don't think Tony's definition of fun is the same with mine. We pull up to the main entrance of the club and head in. Time to unwind but I don't think I wanna get drunk,I just wanna watch my best friend fish for rich guys. Lol.

I down my glass of jack Daniels while Tamz and Tony whine and grind on the dance floor. This guys are killing this.
I feel someone's breath on my shoulder and I quickly turn around just to see 'you know who'

"You aren't drinking anything strong tonight neither are you out there grinding on your boyfriend"

I roll my eyes at his stupid observation and say nothing.
"Can i talk to you?"

Aha . now you wanna talk.

I shake my head "i didn't come here to talk." He looks at me and I see guilt in his eyes. I almost wrap my hands around his neck but thank goodness his expression quickly changed back.

"Please it won't take long"

"I'm sorry but no"

He was about saying something more when Tony comes and put an arm around my neck."is everything alright baby?"he ask

I nod"yeah hun."

Nich takes that as his cue and leaves.

"Amy,don't take this the wrong way but i really think you should move on and forget about that guy. He only brings you sadness and that's not cool at all."Tony says

"And i really think you should go back to to dancing with Tammy. She looks pathetic dancing alone"

I really don't wanna take advice concerning Nich from him.

"I'm serious Amy,if you open your eyes,you'll see that someone else really loves you for you"

"Oh yeah?who?"

He swallows hard and looks deep into my eyes. "Me. I've fallen really hard for you, Amy. I love you and I need you to give me a chance to show you better than that jerk Nicholas. Please"



Okay breathe!

"I'm sorry Tony,you are my friend and I really appreciate your friendship and your love but it can't go past that. I'm in love with Nich and whether he loves me or not,its my problem to deal with. I'm really sorry but I have to leave"

I carry my purse and go to the dance floor and drag Tammy out. I hail a cab and force her inside and the driver drives off.

"You party pooper, you just had to kill my spirit didn't you?"Tammy says sleepily.

"I'm sorry Tamz but Tony just made this night so awkward for me. He says he's in love with me."

Her eyes shoot open immediately."say what?"

"Yeah bes,he loves me. That's not all ,Nicholas came to me and said he wanted to talk. I think he wanted to apologize."

"So what did you tell him?"

"I told him no."

"Atta girl."

I smile giving myself a silent hug.
I can feel a storm coming.

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