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We stare into each other's eyes,saying nothing and at the same time,saying everything with our eyes.
Spilling our emotions.

"I'm gonna do my best in understanding you although, I'm not really good at understanding people." Nich says which makes me frown.

"I'm kidding"he grin...I didn't know he also jokes..

"Thanks for dinner,"I say,getting up"I'm going to bed. The bed is big enough to contain the both of us. Fortunately, I don't take up lot of space and I don't sleep naked so don't sleep on the couch cause of me."

He laughs in a very low and seductive tone.."bummer! Was hoping to catch you naked"

I smirk and walk out.

            I found a new way to deal with Nich. Acting strong and acting like I don't give a damn,makes him want me but when I act like my real pampered self,I just push him away. Now the question is ,Do I want him to want me?I've thought about all those things he said to me at his place and I discovered that he was right. I used to be pampered, lazy and not willing to learn anything that has to do with the kitchen but I can feel deep down in me that I've changed.

Coming to college and meeting friends like Tamara has done me a whole lot of good and also ,Nich has impacted things in me too. He let me explore, he urge me to try new things and dares me to take on challenges. I've been excelling in my studies just for dad,cause I want to make him proud.

My blog has been doing well,I mean all these things takes work so I have definitely changed. The only thing I need now is an inspiration so I could write my first novel . i don't care if Nicholas likes me or not,I do care about my future and I know that writing and trying on different clothes and blogging about them makes me happy. Fashion makes me happy, family makes me happy,friendship makes me happy.

  I sigh as I change into my new ash nighty that Tammy got for me. Its a little short,round neck and has the most embarrassing words written on it;'kiss me while you can'
I have no idea why Tammy will get me such when she knows how shy I get and I particularly have no idea as to why Caleb will pack this particular nighty for me. Yeah....

Nich planned with him so while Tamz and I were eating ice cream at the eatery, Caleb was at my place,packing a bag. On my to do list when i get back,the first on the list is to murder that son of a bitch,Caleb. I climb on the bed and put off my side of the bedside lamp leaving the other one on in case Nich decides to sleep on the bed.


Nicholas POV

i tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I should have listened to her and slept on the bed with her,the couch is so uncomfortable but I couldn't share a bed with her. It was already hard enough looking at her and getting turned on not to talk of sharing a bed with her. But the hard nature of the couch forced me to go lie on the bed. Her back turned to me,her hair sprawled on the pillow ,her chest moving up and down as she breath ,she looked so lovely, so pure and innocent.

Looking at her made me realize I have fallen deep for her,there is no going back. I lay on my side quietly, trying not to disturb her then put off the bedside lamp but I froze!! I looked at her and saw she had rolled over to my side unknowingly, her perfectly round ass was now touching my groin...ohmygosh!!!so turned on right now. I did the counting to ten thing and when I was a little relaxed and had control, I put my arm around her waist and slept,inhaling her scent.

Amanda's POV
Why do I feel restrained? Suffocated? Why can't I move?slowly opening my eyes, I look around. The room is dark tho there is a little bit of sun coming from the window,illuminating the room,giving it a little light. I feel an arm around me and I hear quiet breathing behind me. I turn around immediately and couldn't help but admire him. My crush.

He looked like a baby when sleeping,so peaceful. Gently removing his arm from my body,i speed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and tidy up my hair a little bit. I slap my cheek to give it a little color then I return back to the room.

He's still on the bed but fully awake and with a naughty grin on his face as he looks at me,head to toe and back to head then eyes.

"Good morning ,Luv"

I avoid his gaze."morning"

"Oh,so grumpy in the morning...come back to bed I wanna show you something."

The way he said the 'come back to bed' broke my heart a little bit. It sounded as tho we were home,our home. I obeyed with arguing and went back to bed,he drags me immediately and lock his lips on mine. I gasp in shock and pull back.

  My eyes wide open and panting ,he grins and point to my nightie. Ohkillmenowlikeseriously!!!!!! It was the stupid writing that made him kiss me. My hand automatically touched my lips.

"Did I hurt you?"his tone turned serious.

I nod not even sure if he did or not. All I know is that he fucking kissed me. My subconscious is seriously twerking right now.

"Let me make it better"

He dragged me back to him and locked our lips again but this time ,gentle and sweet,urging me to open but I can't, not yet! He bit and nibbled on my lower lip causing me to produce a sound from my throat.

"Open for me,baby,let me taste you"he muttered against my lips. My weak lips obliged without my consent and next thing I know,I was kissing back,with every ounce of passion I had in me. He weakens me,he brings out the passion in me,he makes me moan,makes me yearn for more. His hands caress my body as he moves his mouth from my lips to my neck and he sucks there.

Oh God!!

His hands moves to my breasts and he squeeze them. I moan. He flips us so that I'm lying beneath him. He lifts my nightie over my head and cups my breasts. He takes one in his mouth while one of his hands plays with the other nipple and the other hand ,caressing my thigh and moving up until he's at the band of my panties. He slips two fingers inside and rub my clit,slowly, taking his time. I can't bear this any more. I moan and squirm as pure pleasure flashes before my eyes. His fingers find the entrance to my most private part and my body stills immediately which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"What's wrong,Amy?"

I didn't answer out of embarrassment.
How can I tell him that he won't mock me. He sat us up used a finger to lift my chin up and stare into my eyes.

"Please tell me what's going on. You're scaring me,baby."

He cares for me . i let him touch me why?
"Hey,I'm sorry I let things get out of control and we made out,it won't happen again. I'm sorry. I'll go make breakfast now." He said and started standing up. I need to stop him. I can't let him think its because of him. I love him touching me,kissing me,giving me pleasure.

"I loved it."i said and he stopped in his tracks. "It's not you Nich,its me."
He came back and sat beside me,his mouth in a grim line.

"I love you touching me and kissing me and making me feel things I've never felt before."I continued.

"What are you saying?" He ask.

After swallowing the lump in my throat,I choked out;" I'm a virgin" head bent so he can't look into my eyes or see my face.

He's silent. I knew it,we virgins always get judge by others. They think we are dull and boring but my virginity is sacred to me.

"Oh my gosh!!I like you more and more everyday with each new discovery I make of you. Never be ashamed of your virginity,Luv,cause there are many girls out there who wish they can be pure again like you."

I nod ,unable to speak.

"Thanks for telling me,Amy."

My face immediately goes red. He stands up and place a light kiss on my lips then leave to prepare breakfast.
I sigh,
What a perfect morning.

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