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Tammy and I are the only ones having lunch since Nicholas has been avoiding us for reasons known only to him.

"What's going on with your crush?he's been scarce of late"

"I've got no idea. He is being distant and even when I pass him in the hallway,he doesn't even acknowledge me. There's this girl he hangs out with  now so I guess I'm now in the past!."

"Wow!maybe that's how he is, move from one person to another. A player"
I shrug"I don't think so"

"Come on look at him,he's rich,hot,sexy,handsome and when he smiles,every girl melts so why can't he be a player?"

That's true and I can't say he used me can I?cause nothing happened between us and nothing was promised either. But he kinda showed signs that maybe,just maybe he might be interested in me or maybe it was all in my head.... It hurts seeing him ignore me and treat that other girl like she's important...

"Where are you going this break?Tammy ask

"I'm going home to L.A but I don't know what my parents have planned. You?"

She takes a hearty bite off her Burger"I'll be in school cause my parents are travelling for business meetings or something of sort"

A silly grin spreads across my face,she looks at me and scowl"what?"she ask

"You could stay in school and be all bored and stuff or you could come with me!"

She shakes her head"i don't want to be a bother to you or your family"

"God forbid for you to be a bother to us beside,we could go to the beach and meet hot guys you know?"

"I'm always down for hot guys"

We laugh and quickly wrap up our lunch and head back to school for last period of the day.

Classes are done and I'm waiting for Tammy by my car when Nicholas passes by.

"Nich"I call out to him
He strolls over to me with an unreadable expression as usual.

"Sup?"he says.

"I'm good. Tammy's been asking of you"

"Nice. Is that all cause I gotta go,I'm really busy"

I'm about to answer when his latest chick comes and link her hand with his.

"Hey,I've been looking everywhere for you. I'm done with class so can we go?"she says. I watch them with tears at the brink of dropping from my eyes. The first time I ever like a boy in my life and see how it turns out!!!he doesn't even notice me!!!!

They walk out without saying a word to me like I was never there. I miss my dad,I need him to hug me so tight right now cause I feel like I can't breathe.
I remember the day I came to school,i was so scared and wondered how I'll be able to survive cooking and cleaning and waking up early,so little did I know that wouldn't be my problem but falling in love with the wrong person would....what do I do?

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