Chapter 22

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Zach had stopped running, he simply walked next to the main road now, heading back to town. It had started to rain lightly, the sky was filled with dark gray clouds.

He had his headphones in, listening to some of today's top hits. He hadn't called Aaron yet, mostly out of fear of being killed but also because he wanted to figure out what he should say.

Zach saw headlights coming up behind him, only a few cars had passed him on the road, but this one was slowing down. He took his headphones out of his ears and watched as the car stopped next to him. The passenger side window rolled down, a young woman was driving.

"Hey do you need a ride? It's cold out kid" she said and took a hit off her cigarette.

She looked to be about thirty; she had blonde hair that was almost the color of her teeth. She wore a pink long sleeve shirt that didn't cover much up top.

Zach would have normally said no, he hated the smell of tobacco and didn't really like people in the first place, but he was exhausted and just wanted to go home.

"Sure" Zach mumbled, then opened the rusty car door and got inside. He sat down in the brown leather seat, not bothering to put on a seatbelt.

"Where's your house?" She said, taking another hit off her cigarette.

"Up this road, outside of Niles" he said, trying his best not to breathe in the nasty smoke. The woman started down the road, driving a little slower than the speed limit. Zach rubbed his eyes, he felt exhausted, his head was killing him and there was a slight burning pain in the back of his throat.

"Aren't your parents worried about you? Walking on the side of the road like that is dangerous" She asked, Zach instinctively rolled his eyes. It was true he looked only about sixteen but he was actually sixty-two, and he hated how often people thought of him as nothing more than a child.

"I don't live with my parents" he said, keeping his eyes forward.

The woman didn't say much else, just drove down the old country road. When she finished one cancer stick, she would light another. The smell made Zach's headache even worse, but he didn't have the energy to care.

As they got into the outskirts of Niles, Zach directed the woman towards his house. She pulled up into his small black driveway and parked the car.

"Do you need anything honey? I'd feel kinda bad just leaving you here, it doesn't look like anyone's home." The woman said looking towards the unlit house, Zach turned and looked at her for the first time since getting in the car, and he painted a grin on his face.

"Actually, there is one thing" Zach said softly, he swiftly reached out his arm and grabbed the woman by the back of her head, pulling her blond hair back.

His eyes turned a bright red and his fangs touched his bottom lip, the woman screamed as Zach let his hunger get the best of him.


Devon laid Emily down on the bed, pulling the sheets up to rest over her chest. He watched as the sheets rose and fell with every deep breath she took. Her face was still, her eyes lightly shut, still sleeping.

Madi stood at the edge of the bed, watching Devon carefully. His face was expressionless, his eyes looked dull and his skin pale. He stood up straight and looked at Madi.

"Stay with her" he said softly and started to leave.

"Where are you going?" Madi asked, not moving from her spot. Devon stopped at the opened door and spoke in almost a whisper.

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