Chapter 21

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Emily walked through the tall trees, enjoying her pleasant stroll. She didn't know how long she had been walking, but her feet just didn't want to stop.

The weather was perfect, and the forest was calming to her, she felt so peaceful. Emily had worried that if Devon woke up and she wasn't there he might get scarred, but now she didn't really care, all she wanted to do was walk through the woods, and never look back.


Zach waited patiently by the river, listening for the girl. Two of Aaron's goons hid in the shadows, the sun obviously bothering them. Zach wasn't as bothered by it, the sun was annoying but he could easily walk in it, it never really did much to him like it did to his brethren.

One of the guys with him was bulky and he had fairly tan skin with dark wavy hair that fell to his broad shoulders. The other was tall and bald, with very pale looking skin; the two both had on jeans, a black shirt, and sunglasses, as if they were club security or something.

"How much longer will this take? The sunlight is starting to piss me off" the bald one said, Zach didn't turn towards him or even look over to where the men stood.

"Not much longer, just wait" he said quietly, Zach was leaned up against a tree watching, waiting for the girl, for Emily. He knew she would come this way, after the dream he had given her last night. Although, Zach felt a bit drained; he hadn't used his abilities in a while, he never really needed to. He thought it would be easier to give the girl the dream but for some reason her mind had fought him.

Zach tried not to think about it, he tried to stay still and conserve his energy. He would have fed but the two idiots he was with wouldn't let him out of their sight. Zach sighed, thinking to himself, wondering how much longer it would take before he could just go home and take a nap.


Devon rolled over in bed, still mostly asleep, but when he didn't feel Emily next to him he opened his eyes. Devon sat up in bed and looked around the room, he noticed Emily's shoes weren't here either.

He jumped out of bed and went into Madi's room, maybe the two had gone out somewhere? When he opened the door, Madi was still in bed asleep. Devon walked over to her, shaking her shoulder to wake her up.

"Madi, where's Emily" Devon asked in a stern voice, Madi mumbled something that sounded like 'in bed with you.' She didn't seem to know either, Devon started to panic a little.

He rushed down stairs and out the front door, both his and Madi's car still stood in the gravel driveway. Which meant Emily just, walked away? That didn't seem right, Emily wouldn't do that, especially not alone. She wasn't taken, Devon was with her all last night, if someone had come into there room he would have known, plus Emily would have put up a fight. She couldn't have just wandered off, there has to be some explanation.

Devon started to walk a little into the woods, hoping to see Emily nearby, but no luck. She was no where to be seen, Devon couldn't even sense her presence, or catch her scent anywhere.
Devon didn't know what to do, where did she go?

"Emily!?" He yelled out into the forest, but nothing called back. He began to run, using his vampiric speed, he was nothing but a blur. He ran through the woods, trying to find Emily, he had to find her, before anyone else could.


'Why am I walking?'

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