Chapter 14

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The party downstairs was still going on, it was probably around eleven or midnight now. Emily and Devon walked down the marble stairs, Madi in front of them. She lead them through the party, it looked like a few people had left. At the front of the crowd was Aaron, he was talking to two men but stopped mid sentence when he saw the trio. Madi walked over to the side, letting Devon and Emily go in front of her and up to Aaron. He walked up to the two of them, plastering a smile across his face.

"Emily, where have you been all night? I've been looking for you" Aaron said, he looked calm but his words had a little edge in them. Devon smiled at him and took a step closer.

"Well you see brother, I found Emily terribly upset over something so I took her upstairs to the lounge room to rest and get away from the party" Devon said, he's words sounded so calm and believable. Aaron furrowed his brow and looked at Emily.

"What were you upset about dear?" Aaron asked, but before she could answer, Madi stepped in.

"That scumbag Sir Micheal tried to attack her, but I took care of him" Madi said with a smirk.

Aaron looked surprised, but Emily saw something behind that. She saw something in his eyes, behind the smile and calm look, Emily's eyes widened.

He didn't believe them.

Before Emily could say anything, Aaron lunged at Devon, his movements a blur. Devon was flown across the room and hit the wall with a loud thump. People in the party quickly moved out of the way of the fight. Devon fell to the ground but caught himself, he stood up quickly, his eyes a deep red. Aaron still stood in the same place, he put his hands in his pockets, his eyes the same shade of red as Devons.

"Brother, after all these years, I've learn how to tell when you're lying, I know what your motives are" Aaron started to walk over to Emily, he was about to put his arms around her but she took a step back. He looked at her, Emily shook her head and stood her ground, clenching her fists

"You can't keep me here Aaron, I'm not your slave, you can't just do whatever you want to me!" Emily yelled at him, he took a step back. Emily fumed with rage, Aaron smiled a devilish smile, his eyes still red. He started to walk closer to Emily, but before he could grab her, a ring of fire arose from the goring and completely surrounded him. Devon was suddenly next to Emily, his fangs out and his eyes bright red.

"Madi, get Emily out of here" Devon said, Madi nodded and jogged over to Emily. She grabbed her arm but Emily stopped her, and looked at Devon. He looked back at her and nodded, Emily didn't want to leave him here but before she knew it Madi was practically dragging her away. Emily turned and ran with Madi, leaving Devon behind to fight Aaron.


Devon looked at Emily one more time before turning his attention back to his brother. All of the people in the party had fled out the front door, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of the fight. Devon heard laughter from the ring of fire surrounding Aaron.

"Is this the best you got brother?" Aaron snarled before running at Devon through the flames, he dodged him and skidded to the side. Aaron stood up straight, his fangs peaked out of his evil grin.

"You can't protect her brother, she has a destiny to fulfill" Aaron sneered at Devon.

"She's just a girl Aaron, she doesn't have anything to do with this" Devon said, Aaron shook his head slowly.

"She's not just some girl, even you can see that, she has a great power within her"

"What do you mean?" Devon asked

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