Chapter 12

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"So uh Lady Madison-" Emily began but was cut off by Madi's laughter.

"Oh dear, what has Aaron been teaching you?" Madi said still laughing, Emily felt embarrassed, she looked down for a moment, silently cursing herself.

"You can call me Madi, I think formality is so overrated" She said, Emily nodded and smiled, trying to feel less embarrassed.

"So Madi, how do you know Aaron?" Emily asked, Madi gave her a smirk.

"I've known him since we were young, him and his brother, Devon. My father was business partners with their father" She explained.

"Oh so you're like old friends then?" Emily asked, Madi shook her head angrily.

"Hell no, I hate Aaron's guts, I just tolerate him and his nonsense, but I guess you could label us childhood acquaintances" Emily tried to hold back her laugh from Madi's blunt response but couldn't help it, Madi smiled and laughed too.

"Do you like Devon?" Emily asked a bit curious about their relationship.

"Well, when we were children, he was always quiet. As we got older, he talked a little more, he was always nice, we were once close but I hardly talk to him anymore now, he's always busy doing whatever, he has his hands full with Aaron and the company" Madi paused and glanced over her shoulder.

"Although, I see he's been keeping an eye on you this entire time" she said, Emily looked around Madi confused. She saw Devon leaning up against a wall, he faced towards them, just watching. Emily grinned, she was happy he was watching her, to make sure she was safe. Madi turned her head and looked at Emily.

"You like him, don't you?" She said, Emily looked back at Madi and shook her head blushing.

"What? No, no it's not like that, he's just a friend" Emily said quickly, she looked down. Madi laughed and put her hand on Emily's shoulder.

"Emily?" Madi said, Emily looked up and met Madi's grayish blue eyes. She leaned in and whispered into Emily's ear.

"Trust Devon, he will help you, I trust him with my life" She said then stood up, Emily nodded then stopped.
"Should I trust you though?" She asked, Madi gave her a devilish smile.

"Well, to be honest, you shouldn't trust anyone in this room. Everyone here would love to drain you dry" Madi said, still holding onto Emily's shoulder. Emily stood still, preparing herself, Madi shook her head.

"Don't worry, no one is going to, do you know why?" Madi asked, Emily tilted her head confused. She thought for a moment, then realized what Madi meant.

"Because Aaron bit me" Emily said, a little quiet, Madi nodded.

"Exactly, you are marked by him, his scent is all over you, and no one here would dare touch you, unless they had a death wish" Madi explained

"Are people.... afraid of him?" Emily asked.

"Very, Aaron and Devon come from a powerful, royal bloodline, the Hillingtons. They could easily slaughter just about everyone in this room" She said, she finally let go of Emily's shoulder but still stood very close to her.

"So they're like royalty then? Is that why everyone bows when they are around?"

"Pretty much, it's a sign of respect and loyalty" Madi explained, Emily looked up at her.

"You didn't bow to Aaron though, whys that?" Emily asked, Madi smirked and tilted her chin up.

"I'm from a powerful bloodline as well, not royalty though, more like nobility. They may be above me but I have no need to bow before them" she explained, Emily nodded, trying to understand. Madi turned and looked at Devon, then looked back at Emily.

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