Chapter 11

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Emily spun around in her dazzling black dress. She looked in the large mirror in the wardrobe and was amazed by how well it fit. The dress clung to her body in all the right places. It had thin straps and a low cut, making her show a lot of skin. The dress was all black except for the sparkles which shined in the light, giving the dress a gorgeous dazzle. Emily wore black heels with it, but she kept tripping over herself in them.

"You look lovely my lady" Sarah said, standing behind Emily. She spun around to face the maid, doing her best not to fall.

"Thank you Sarah, to be honest I haven't worn a dress in a really long time" Emily confessed, Sarah smiled.

"Well, it suits you quite nicely my lady"
Sarah said. Emily smiled then looked in the mirror again, she thought she looked a lot older, at least twenty five. She wore dark red lipstick and her hair was in big, wavy curls.

"The party should be starting, would you like me to get Lord Aaron to escort you?" Sarah asked, Emily shook her head.

"No I'll just go out there myself, I'm sure he'll find me" Emily said rolling her eyes. She didn't quite know what the party was for or who would be there.

Aaron had told her to stay beside him at all times, which wanted to make her run off just for the hell of it. Emily smirked at the rebellious thought.

"Then I'll leave you alone for the night, I must attend to the guests" Sarah bowed and left the room. Emily noticed how strange Sarah had been acting, she worried about her. Emily walked over to the bathroom, trying to stay upright on her heels. She was just going to put on some perfume but then she saw something. On the sink was a small black box. Emily picked up the little box and opened it. Inside was a pair of emerald green stud earrings, around the gem was silver. Emily gasped, they were so pretty and looked really expensive. There was a note inside the little box, Emily picked it out and read it.

'For tonight's party; I'll see you there'

Emily's face became warm, they were from Devon. She put the earrings in and smiled, they were gorgeous and made her green eyes look more vibrant. Emily turned and walked out of the bathroom and to her bedroom door. She took a deep breath, preparing herself, and opened her door to go to a party she would never forget.


Emily walked out of the library and started down the hall. She heard lots of conversations and chatter, some instrumental music played in the background. She stopped and looked over the edge of the railing, overseeing the guests in the large ballroom.

Everyone looked cheerful and charming. Beautiful dresses gleamed in the light, men and women danced so elegantly, people laughed and talked. Emily backed up away from the rail, leaning against the wall. She was nervous to go down there, Emily felt she would stick out.

She looked down at the floor and crossed her arms, she closed her eyes, she felt out of place here. Everyone she had met here was so elegant and beautiful, she was just a girl from Ohio. Emily was raised in a small house, her dad left shortly after her sister Emma was born. Emily's mother had to raise two girls by herself, they didn't have a lot. Being here, in such a luxurious house, made her just feel weird.


Emily's head shot up, Devon stood a couple feet away from her, he had a worried look on his face. Emily didn't even hear him walk up to her, she stood up straight.

"Oh hey Devon, sorry, I uh, I was just a little lost in thought" Emily stuttered and blushed, she looked at Devons suit, which was entirely black. Emily thought he looked very handsome tonight, which made her blush even more, Devon smiled.

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