Chapter 1

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Emily muttered under her breath as the rain started to pour down on her. She had just got out of her Trigonometry class and was heading back to her dorm. It was the beginning of March and she hated the rain. Emily began to jog to get to her dorm before her long auburn hair got all wet and tangled. She despised rain, especially this kind. It was 47 degrees and the rain felt like ice against her face. Goosebumps started to form under her light jacket and her jeans started to get wet from the cold rain.

"Why didn't I go to college in Florida, someplace warm" Emily grumbled as she jogged to her dorm. She was attending school at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, she was only a freshman, but she had a bright future. In high school, she was an AP scholar, top of her class. She could have even gone to Harvard, but Emily had lived in Ohio all her life, her entire family lived here, well, the only ones she cared about, like her mom and little sister.

Emily walked up the stairs until she got to her floor, then went up to her dorm room. The hall smelled like weed and booze, but Emily was use to the nasty smells. Her next door neighbor was a stoner and a freshman like Emily, she never went to class really. Although, she was the only friend Emily actually had at her college. Growing up, she was really shy, and quite frankly still is. Emily never really had any friends and mostly kept to herself. Her neighbors name was Hannah, the only reason she was even in college was because her parents. They were both very well off, her father was a renowned lawyer, her mother a professor at the Ohio State university.

Hannah and her roommate Jess were the type of party girls who got high, went to frat parties and slept around. Jess was kind of a bitch in Emily's opinion, but Hannah was always nice and talked to Emily, even if she was high half the time.
Emily walked into her dorm room and shut the door. She took off her damp jacket and looked around; it looked so empty ever since her roomie died.

Amber, who had been a freshman just like Emily, died a few months ago. She had gotten drunk at a friends house over winter break. She tried to drive home but never made it. Emily wasn't even invited to her funeral, Ambers family didn't know her that well so they didn't even bother. It hurt Emily that she couldn't go to her own roommates funeral, but then again, they were never that close.

Emily put her backpack next to her bed and took off her wet jeans. She threw them in her dirty laundry basket and put on some black leggings that were laying on the ground. She went over to her desk and sat down, picking up her hair bush. Emily looked in the mirror next to the desk and brushed her long hair. It was pretty wet from the rain so she put it in a side braid. Looking in the mirror, she realized how her skin was extremely pale and she had dark circles under her light green eyes.

Emily went over and sat on her bed, pulling out her text books from her backpack. Whenever she was bored or sad or angry, she studied. She was a bookworm and loved learning. Her favorite subject was science, especially anatomy. Learning about how organisms lived and functioned intrigued her, she wanted to become a doctor one day but she didn't know what kind. Anything that involved intensive care or surgery would be fine with her. Emily loved the thought of being able to go into a persons body and removed or replace whatever was hurting them.

Emily heard her phone buzz, she picked it up and read the text on the screen.

-Hope you're doing okay, we miss you! Can't wait to see you spring break! Love you bunches!-

Emily smiled and replied to her mom, then looked at the time, it was already seven in the evening, and she was starving. She didn't realize how much time had passed while her nose was in a text book. She stood up off her bed and walked over to her mini fridge. Opening it, she found only a monster energy drink and a couple bottles of water.

"I need to remember to stock this thing with snacks" she sighed. 'Maybe I could go get something cheap, I haven't eaten out in like a month,' Emily thought to herself. She grabbed her coat, keys and wallet, then headed out the door.

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