Chapter 19

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Devon and Emily ordered their sandwiches, they sat across from each other at a small table against the wall. Emily ordered a BLT while Devon had ordered the Rubin.

Once the elderly waitress, who had way to much makeup on for her age, left to tell the cook their order, Devon started to ask Emily questions about her life and childhood, and Emily asked similar questions, although his answers were always more interesting to Emily than her own.

His life was, yes, dangerous, but also exciting and he had fond memories of his childhood, and even some of him and Aaron as kids. Turns out Aaron was the older brother, but only by a little over a year, Emily had been wondering that for awhile.

Emily watched Devon as he spoke, his eyes told the story more than his voice. She honestly felt like this was a date, it was nice to feel normal again, she could just pretend Devon was a student at her college she had met one day at a coffee shop and this was there first date.

She knew it wasn't true, but it was nice to just pretend. Here with him, she could just act like a normal collage girl, for just a few moments, it was like all the bad things that were happening were gone, and she was just on a date with a nice guy at a Sandwich shop.

"Emily?" Devon said tilting his head to the side. Emily snapped back into reality and out of her deep train of thought.

"I'm sorry, I uh spaced out" she said stuttering, Devon chuckled.

"It's fine, you just kept staring at me so I was a little worried" he said smiling, Emily blushed and internally kicked herself. The waitress came over to their table and gave them there sandwiches, Emily was thankful she didn't have to explain to Devon that she was daydreaming they were on a date.

The two ate their food, commenting on the yummy sandwiches and waitresses with too much makeup on. They talked and giggled, once again Emily couldn't help but wish this was just a normal first date with a cute college guy.

Halfway through the meal, Devon suddenly dropped his sandwich on his plate and sat up straight, snapping his head to look out the restaurants main front windows. He sat completely still, as if he were listening or waiting for something to happen.

Emily looked at Devon, then out the window, trying to see what he was seeing, but there was nothing outside except for an old couple crossing the street. Emily turned her head to look back at Devon, he quickly relaxed and looked back down at his food as if nothing happened.

"Uh, what was that?" Emily said confused, Devon looked up as he took a huge bite of his Rubin. He looked like a puppy to Emily for some reason, a big bloodsucking puppy. Devon chewed and swallow, then spoke.

"I thought I sensed something" he said with a little bit of food still in his mouth.

"Like what?" Emily asked still confused.

"Another vampire, but it was nothing, just my imagination" Devon said shrugging, Emily gave him a look, she thought he was acting a bit weird but brushed it off.

They finished eating, Devon paid and tipped the waitress before the two left. When they walked out the door, Devon put his arm around Emily, which made her jolt. She looked up at Devon but he just kept looking forward, as if it was completely normal.

Emily's face flushed but she didn't say anything to him. She felt dumb for still getting embarrassed whenever he touched her but she couldn't help it, no guy had ever given her attention growing up. So whenever Devon, or even Aaron for that matter, did anything her cheeks got warm and turned bright red.

When they got to the car, Devon walked Emily over to her side, opening the door for her. She got in and Devon closed it, then slightly jogged over to his side and got in. He turned on the car and sped away quickly, as if he wanted to get out of town as fast as he could. Emily looked up at him and raised her eyebrow.

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