Chapter 6

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They walked down the marble staircase and into the dinning hall. Aaron had put his arm around Emily's waist, as if he thought she might wander off if he didn't. He pulled out a chair for Emily and she sat down.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Aaron asked, Emily pondered.

"Well what do you have?" She asked.

"Anything really, we have a very large kitchen and multiple chefs."

"Just eggs I guess, scrambled, please" Emily said smiling, she was happy she could speak. Aaron smiled back, then sat down next to her.

"Let's play a game" Aaron said, Emily gave him a look. "Like a question game, you have many questions yes but so do I. We can go back and forth, how does that sound?" Aaron asked, Emily was a bit confused on what he wanted to ask her but shrugged.

"Sure, but I want to go first" Emily said. Aaron nodded.

"How did you know my name?" Aaron looked away for a second, as if he were embarrassed.

"When you first came here, you had your wallet on you, so I looked at your drivers license. I'm terribly sorry about that" Aaron said with an apologetic look in his eyes. Emily had completely forgotten about her wallet and phone.

Before she could ask, Aaron asked a question because it was technically his turn.

"Where were you born?" He said, Emily was a bit surprised he asked her such a strange question.

"I was born in Ohio, at St. Anne's hospital" she replied. He nodded and leaned in a bit.

"Your turn" he said, Emily thought for a second.

"Why am I here?" She asked, Aaron closed his eyes for a second, as if thinking of his answer.

"You're here because you are very important, not just to me, to many others as well" he said and opened his eyes. Emily was confused on what that meant. How was she important? Why her? Aaron spoke again.

"Do you want to leave?" He said with a sad look on his face.

"Well... yes. I have school, and my family will wonder where I am" She said, looking down. Then looked up at Aaron again. "When can I leave?" Emily asked with a sad tone in her voice. Aaron leaned in slowly, his lips only a few inches from hers.

"When you have fulfilled your purpose" He said in almost a whisper, his light brown eyes sparkling in the light. Before Emily could say anything, the door at the end of the room swung open.

Edward came in, carrying a silver plater.
"Good morning my lord, I hope today's breakfast is to your liking" Edward said, setting the plater between Aaron and Emily. "Anything else I can get the two of you my lord?"

"No thank you, that will be all" Aaron said leaning back in his chair, not looking at Edward, only at Emily. Edward bowed deeply before turning and walking back to the door. Aaron pick up the plate with scrambled eggs and a couple sausages, putting it in front of Emily. Taking the other plate, which had only toast and jelly on it, he put in front of him and began to spread the jelly across the toasted bread. Emily ate her eggs quietly, keeping her thoughts to herself. They sat in silence for awhile, until Aaron spoke.

"What would you like to do today Emily?" He said, Emily looked up and thought for a moment.

"Could I go outside?" She asked, Aaron smiled.

"Do you like the outdoors?" He asked curiously, she nodded with a grin. "Well, we have a beautiful garden outback, it's quite large. Although, it's still very cold, are you sure you want to go out?"

"Of course! I'd love to see the garden, and to be honest I need some fresh air" said Emily. Aaron leaned in close to her.
"Then today, we will go explore the garden."


Aaron got out a large coat for Emily while she put on some stylish boots he picked out for her. After she put on the coat, he walked her over to a beautiful double glass door. When he opened it for Emily, a gust of cold air washed over her face, making her cheeks warm up and turn a rosy pink. She took a deep breath in and stepped outside. There was a small layer of frost on the ground, which made it sparkle in the sunlight.

Emily and Aaron walked along a cobblestone path, hedges outlined the sides of it. In the distance, Emily could see a small forest, mostly pine trees. The path they walked on led into an enormous frosted garden. There were trees but no leaves or flowers blossomed on them. Some plants were still alive, like the hedges, but little color was there. Still, to Emily, the garden glistened with beauty, and dazzled in the sunlight. She was awestruck, looking everywhere and taking in every bit of its allurement.

"Do you like it?" Aaron asked, Emily spun around on her heels.

"It's amazing! I've never seen a garden this big, and so pretty" She said with a huge smile. Emily glanced behind him, seeing a man jogging up to where they were standing. He had short orange hair that stood out in the sun. Aaron turned around as the man came closer, he was dressed like Edward, another butler maybe?

"My lord" the man said, bowing and catching his breath once he had made his way over to them. "Your presence is required immediately in the lounge" he said, still in a respective bow. Aaron sighed and shook his head slightly while turning towards Emily.

"I am terribly sorry dear, but I have some business to attended to. Would you be alright if I excused myself for awhile?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Of course, I'll be just fine" Emily said, smiling up at Aaron.

"If you need anything, just ask one of the maids or butlers, but try not to talk to anyone else please" He said, Emily gave him a bit of a look, why couldn't she talk to anyone else? But before she could ask, Aaron leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, then turned and left with the orange haired butler, leaving Emily alone in the frozen garden.

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