Chapter 16

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Hi, buds.

So here is the next chapter, there are only a few chapters left, and after they've been updated, I will have nothing to do with my life during summer, so if you have any ideas or prompts or random thoughts you'd like me to write about, please tell me.

Also, thank you guys so much for 19.1 K reads on the Demigods In High School! For those of you who haven't read it yet, go check it out of you want.

This chapter is dedicated to Mia_Jordan101



“Luke?” Annabeth asked, surprised.

“What are you doing with this guy?”Luke demanded.

“I, um, nothing,” Annabeth lied.

“‘Nothing?!” Luke growled, “I clearly just saw you guys making out!”

“Yes, you did,” Percy responded before Annabeth could.

Luke turned to Annabeth with an incredulous look on his face. “Are you serious, Annabeth? Does our engagement mean nothing to you?”

Annabeth vigorously shook her head. “No, it means everything to me! It’s just that-”

Percy cut in again. “She’s starting to reconsider.”

Luke turned back to Percy, “Who are you to say things like that? Annabeth chose me over you five years ago!”

“Things change. She’s in love with me again,” Percy paused. “Actually, I don’t think she ever stopped loving me.”

“What are you talking about? Annabeth is engaged to me. She loves me. Not you!” He pushed Percy in the chest.

Percy didn’t react and instead smirked. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you. I don’t see a ring anywhere, except the one I gave her, and if she really loved you, she wouldn’t have kissed me at the reunion party.”

“Luke, listen, I-” Annabeth surged forward, trying to explain.

Luke didn’t wait for her to finish. He raised his fist and threw a right hook at Percy’s face, causing his head to snap to the side. When Percy turned to face Luke, his bottom lip was bleeding. Before Annabeth could intervene, he charged at Luke, causing them both to fall to the ground. They rolled around, throwing punches and shouting out curses.

The commotion caused Annabeth’s friends from inside the venue to come rushing outside, looking concerned.

When they saw who it was, Jason, Frank and the rest of the boys ran towards them and tried to pry them off each other. Piper ran to Annabeth, who was yelling at Percy and Luke to stop fighting.

“Are you ok? What happened?” Piper asked Annabeth, concern laced in her voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Percy and I were talking and he- he started saying that he still loved me and I-he kissed me and Luke came and…” She gestured helplessly towards Percy and Luke.

Percy was on top of Luke at the moment, throwing punch after punch at him, cursing him out as well. Jason was trying to pull Percy off him, while Frank was attempting to pull Luke out from under Percy.

“Let me go, Jason!” Percy yelled at Jason through gritted teeth.

“No way, Jackson,” Jason replied. He finally got Percy off Luke enough for Frank to grab Luke out from under him.

“Don’t you get it? She’s mine, Jackson! She forgot about you long ago!” Luke yelled, straining against Frank.

“Better be careful, Castellan. A lot of things can change. Maybe Annabeth will change her mind about who she wants to be with.” Percy shouted back, saying the exact same words Luke had told him 5 years ago before he had left for New York. He stopped struggling against Jason. Except for a few scratches on his arms and his bleeding lip, he seemed to be fine.  Luke, on the other hand, looked much worse. He was bleeding above his eye and there was a bruise on his jaw.

“I think you should go, Luke,” Jason said.

Luke stopped struggling against Frank and said, “Fine. Annabeth, let’s go.” He grabbed her hand, but Annabeth stood, still staring at Percy.

“Annabeth,” Luke said louder, “Let’s go.” He yanked at her wrist, causing her to stumble a bit.

“Hey, stop that!” Percy yelled at Luke, stepping towards him. Jason placed a hand on Percy’s shoulder, a clear warning. Percy gave him a look and Jason put his hands up in surrender.

Percy’s voice seemed to shake her back into the present. She turned back to Percy, her calculating gaze on him. She bore her eyes into his, trying to see whether or not he was okay.

He seemed to understand her, and nodded slightly. She turned to Piper and Jason, apologizing briefly before following Luke to his car and driving away.



You Were Always Mine- Percabeth AU Where stories live. Discover now