Chapter 10

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Hi, guys! Its @MacaroniGalore again with another update. Yay. So shout out to Blake234567889 for commenting the correct answer on last update's trivia question. WOOTY.

ANYWAY. Special thanks to @GhostMonstah for helping me write stuff (check out her book "Occasionally A Percabeth Fanfiction" bc its great) and to anyone who asked me to read their books (which are great books btw) and yeah.


If you want me to read your books and vote and comment and stuff (for whatever reason) just post a message on my account. And yeah.


“Do we have to do this?” Annabeth groaned

Piper laughed beside her, “Yes, Annabeth,”

“But I don’t like dress shopping. Or shopping in general,” Annabeth crossed her arms.

“I know, Annabeth. Believe me, I know, but you’re my maid of honor and you have to get fitted for your dress. Besides, the rest of the girls are going to meet us there and we haven’t seen them in a while.”

Annabeth smiled at the thought of seeing her friends again after such a long time. She continued walking with Piper towards the bridal shop.  She had always thought she would get married before Piper. Not that she was jealous. She was happy for her friend and she was excited to be her maid of honor.

She entered the shop, immediately greeted by the burst of white wedding dresses displayed all across the room.

A young brunette came up to them with and smiled, “Hello, I’m Emma. I’m assuming you’re Piper?” She turned towards Annabeth.

“No. I’m Piper. This is my maid of honor, Annabeth.” Piper spoke up.

“I’m so sorry. So, Piper, shall we begin?” Emma asked.

“Uh, we’re actually waiting for more of my bridesmaids.”

“Of course.” Emma smiled warmly.

Fifteen minutes later, the door opened and five girls stepped in. Thalia looked just as happy to be trying dresses on as Annabeth was. Hazel smiled happily, mirroring the expression on Calypso’s face. Katie looked a little uncomfortable, but Reyna looked wistful.

“I’m assuming that these are the rest of your bridesmaids?” Emma glanced at Piper.

Piper nodded before making her way to the other girls. They introduced themselves to Emma before proceeding to look for dresses.

After over two hours of shopping, they finally found dresses that they were all satisfied with. Emma quickly measured them and stored the dresses safely for fitting. As the group left the store, Piper called Jason and they agreed to all meet at their apartment.  The girls started walking and chatting, smiling mostly because the dress shopping was over.


The girls all plopped on the couch, clearly exhausted from trying on so many dresses. The guys joined them not long after and they also crashed on the couches.

“Who knew shopping was so hard,” Jason muttered as he walked into the living room and kissed Piper.

Thalia groaned, “No PDA!”

Jason made a face at her, “You should be happy for me!”

“Oh, I am, little brother. Just dial it down a bit, would you?”

Jason stuck his tongue out at her.

Leo laughed. sitting next to Calypso on the couch and kissing her cheek.

“Oh, come on!” Thalia threw a pillow at him.

The living room soon got crowded and Percy and Annabeth were both left to sit on the loveseat which made them both blush.

People sat on both on the seats and armrests. The couches were soon full of people and some resorted to sitting on the floor. Everyone started talking and laughing together like old times. They hadn’t all been together since high school and Annabeth felt great being surrounded by her old friends. She recalled the many afternoons they would spend together just talking and laughing. Now, everyone had graduated and they rarely saw each other.

Annabeth got a call from Luke and she stepped into the kitchen to take it while Percy excused himself to use the restroom.

Jason entered the living room, “Okay, guys. So I ordered the pizza, but they're really busy right now so someone has to go pick it up. Not it!”

A series of “not it”s came from the eleven other people in the room. Jason shook his head and chuckled.

Percy and Annabeth entered the room together and everyone turned to look at them.

“What?” Percy asked, confused.


Five minutes later, Percy and Annabeth were on their way to pick up the food, both grumbling how unfair it was.

“Ugh, why did we have to get go? Was it not enough to make us go shopping and get fitted?” Percy muttered.

“Hey, you didn’t have to try on fifty dresses before you actually found the right one.” Annabeth said.

Percy chuckled, “It’s good to have them all together, though, just like old times.”

“Yeah, like old times,” Annabeth sighed wistfully. She could tell they were both thinking the same thing. It wasn’t really “just like old times.”


As soon as Percy and Annabeth stepped through the door with pizza boxes stacked in their arms, they were tackled by their friends, who were clearly hungry.

“It’s just pizza, guys,” Annabeth said, causing Percy to look affronted.

“Just pizza? Annabeth, it’s one of the best things ever,” Percy claimed, pausing to think, “Well, it would be better if it was blue, but it’s fine.”

Their friends called them to eat and the two of them blushed when they realized they were standing pretty close and talking while their friends stuffed their faces with pizza.

As Percy and Annabeth settled down, pizza in hand, Jason swallowed his food before talking. “So, are you guys going to the reunion next week?”

The majority of them nodded while Thalia, whose reunion had occurred two years before, watched curiously, and Annabeth shrugged.

“I’m not too sure. I might not go, to be honest,” She said, frowning slightly.

“Why not? It won’t be the same without you!” Piper exclaimed.

The others nodded in agreement.

“I’m not sure. I was never really a party girl.” She leaned back in her seat.

“Come on, you were prom queen. We can’t have a high school reunion without the queen! Percy will look stupid.” Leo said.

Percy looked over at her with a pleading face.

Annabeth sighed, “Ok, fine, but we leave when I say.”

Percy grinned, “Sure.”

Soon, after they had finished eating, everyone started to leave, all promising to see each other at the reunion.



First person to comment the correct answer gets a shout out in the next chapter.

Thx for reading! Make sure to vote and comment what you think!


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