Chapter 5

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Hi guys! I know I haven't updated in a while, so here you go.



Annabeth looked in the mirror one more time. She didn't know why she so nervous about seeing Percy again. This wasn't a date. Of course not. They were just friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time and wanted to catch up. She took a deep breath and changed her shirt one last time before finally deciding she looked decent enough.

Annabeth grabbed her phone and double checked to make sure her keys were in her purse this time.

As Annabeth reached the living room, she said, "Luke?"

He turned his face away from the tv, "Yeah?"

"I'm going to meet up with, uh, Piper. I'll be back later," She replied

"Ok, Annie. I'll see you later. I love you." Luke called as Annabeth reached the front door.

"Love you too," Annabeth called back.

As Annabeth walked, she couldn't help but remember the many times she and Percy had gone to the same place when they were dating. They would walk, hands intertwined, talking and laughing the whole way there.

She shook her head. She couldn't be thinking about that right now. She was engaged to Luke and she loved him. Percy was just a friend. Nothing else.

She opened the door, not surprised to see that Percy hadn't arrived yet. She sat down at one of the tables and took out her phone.

Fifteen minutes later, Percy walked through the door. He scanned the room and his eyes lit up when he saw Annabeth. He sat across from her, and said, "Hey."

"Hey," Annabeth said

They sat there awkwardly, both not knowing what to say. Finally, Percy spoke up, 'So... how've you been?"

"Good, great actually," Annabeth said with a nervous laugh, "You?"

"Ssme, uh... how's Luke? I see you got engaged," he gestured to the ring resting on Annabeth's finger

"Luke is fine, and, uh, yeah. We got engaged at our graduation. How's Rachel?" Annabeth said, suddenly feeling as if she should hide her ring.

"She's fine, she's at my mom's house right now," Percy said

Annabeth's eyes lit up, "Oh my gods, how's Sally? I haven't seen her in... years!"

Percy chuckled at her enthusiasm, "My mom is great. She's told me several times she misses having you around, though."

"Maybe I can go visit her sometime, you know, if that's ok with you... " She trailed off.

Percy smiled, "Of course. She would like that. She actually told me you should stop by sometime and she would make you blue cookies." He paused, "Maybe... if you want, of course, we could eat and go to my house. You guys could talk and catch up, or whatever, and you could meet Rachel."

Annabeth looked skeptical, "Are you sure? Will Rachel be ok with that?"

Percy chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sure. She won't mind."

The waiter came to take their orders and they ordered a pizza with extra olives, just like they would years ago.

"Remember that one time we were at prom and the principal told us he never got nominated for prom king?" Percy asked, taking a bite of his pizza.

Annabeth laughed, "Yeah and when you said that Jason was your best friend and Frank coughed and you told him to stop having a throat issue?"

They both laughed, relaxing. They were at ease, now. There was no lingering tension or awkwardness between them anymore. Annabeth felt like she could finally breathe.

You Were Always Mine- Percabeth AU Where stories live. Discover now